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I've only been a member of this Forum for a week or so but I've learnt and laughed so much!


I'm not even sure I should be here - I don't have an Eglu.


BUT I am the very proud owner of two 10 mth old Andalusian girls (my Beauties) I hatched last May (3 out of 6 then one was murdered a month ago...). My Beauties and Phillip (borrowed banty boy) are so free range they have their own Range Rover.


Through this Forum I've realised that it's not only me who talks to their chickens/worries about their happiness/are they warm enough at night sort of stuff!


Thanks again.



ps My Beauties with their mad hair in the first pic are Samantha (front) & Pingu and the bottom pic is Phillip and a bum. (Sorry the pics are so big!)





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How lucky they are to have that wooded area to play in.

It's probably about 3/4 of an acre (not mine!) and this weekend the hideous orange fencing will come down and mesh will go up. I'm also in the process of building a Des Res as I'm getting 3 more Andalusians in a couple of months - can't wait!


Thank you for your kind replies, I think my girls are beautiful too but then I would - I grew them :D

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I think a lot of people on this forum must be like me....on board with the Omlet concept, but finding the cost restrictive!!! (NOte to Omlet...Cost IS an issue!!) :evil:

As it is, my OH has built us a lovely home for our beautiful hens, but when I win the lottery :roll: first on the list is 3 new cubes all in different colours!

We have bought the Grub and Super-Glug in bright pink though, and have attached it to our home made run. They are so much better and prettier than anything at BA Stores.

I'm just going to buy some egg boxes from here too, but again...COST! :boohoo: And the Omlet egg boxes aren't all that pretty. :oops:

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