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Contact Lenses

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Mine are monthlies and I have them delivered with the cleansing fluid and pot for £23 a month. My check-ups and annual eye test are free with this scheme.

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I have worn lenses for about 15 years. Started with hard gas permeable one and now wear soft lenses. They aren't disposable and I have to clean them every day. Solutions etc cost approx £10 every 8 weeks.


My lenses themselves were expensive £300+ but I have to have a special pair due to weird shaped corneas! :roll:


OH use to wear all day all night lenses from Specsavers which cost £18 a month. You wear them literally all the time and sleep in them. He had no problems with them but some people have to take them out every so often.


My advice would be to get some form an optician and use the prescription to order them on line. They tend to be much cheaper. At first, get them from an optician though as they do regular check ups etc.

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I've been wearing lenses for nearly 20 years now (lummy, now I feel old!) - I've used Boots for the last umpteen - I have dailies and buy 60 pairs every 90 days as I sometimes wear glasses so don't need a pair a day and they cost me £16 a month (think if you buy a pair a day it's a tad over £20). That's the total price, as there is no cleaning involved with dailies, you just throw them out. I've always been pleased with the service of aftercare etc. at Boots and you get the sight tests/after care all in with the price.

I agree with Christian, to start off with an optician especially if you are new to lenses. They'll want to monitor any change in your eyes and so you'd get regular check ups.

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Diane interesting to read that about the less pairs over the longer time. this was something I was looking at doing as I am home with small children most of the time so don't want to waste money.



Thanks for the tip about opticians/online. Christian I will remember that.


£16 a month sounds just about bearable for us skint-uns.


I have a half price eye test thing for boots so will get myself booked in :D

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I wear "all day, all night" contact lenses from specsavers :D

they cost £18 a month, I really like them.


I do have lots of surplus pairs, so i will be contacting them to cancel for a couple of months (apparently I just cancel the direct debit and start it up again when I want more lenses :D )




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I have a half price eye test thing for boots so will get myself booked in :D


Bron, if you have a Boots Advantage card and join the Healthcare club you can have a free eye test. The Advantage card is free and it is free to join the Healthcare club, you can do this online through www.boots.com click on 'advantage card' tab at the top of the page. You also get half price on over 60 different healthcare items all the time too :D

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I have a half price eye test thing for boots so will get myself booked in :D


Bron, if you have a Boots Advantage card and join the Healthcare club you can have a free eye test. The Advantage card is free and it is free to join the Healthcare club, you can do this online through www.boots.com click on 'advantage card' tab at the top of the page. You also get half price on over 60 different healthcare items all the time too :D


Oh thanks. I have a half price thingy but free is even better. I'm so excited about ti now shame I have to wait til term starts again

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I have the daily disposable lenses from specsavers which cost £22 per month (I do wear them nearly every day). I like them as they are convenient and if, being very clumsy, I tear one putting it in, it doesn't matter that I have to throw it away!

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I have Acuvue Dailies which are fab as you can literally throw them away at the end of the day - I used to hate all the faff with solutions etc.


I buy mine online at getlenses.com and they cost £104 for 180 pairs. (if anyone wants recommending PM me as I get credit for introducing new people :wink: )


I still use my regular optician for aftercare appointments and that is about £30 once a year. My optician was understandably miffed that I was buying online (my notes have INTERNET BUYER written across them :oops: ) but she was charging over £1 a pair for the same lenses plus the aftercare charge.


I wouldn't buy different lenses I hadn't tried before online though.



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My contacts seem to be the cheapest so far. I get monthly disposables from Specsavers at £13 per month, including solution, eye tests (I think, it is free in Scotland anyway) and they let you have a discount, up to half price of specs as well.

Our local specsavers is really good and has given me free spare contacts when I manage to lose an odd one occasionally. :)

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