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Earth Hour

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I think I will do. I think I'll light a few yankees to keep me company :D


I think it's a token gesture and doesn't go far enough. If it makes people think about the energy they consume and they then make changes then that's great but I suspect, until legislation comes in (if it ever does) we'll still drive through our cities at night and still see empty office blocks etc with their lights blazing.


I wondered why the google homepage was black, apparently that's their contribution!

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I think it's a token gesture and doesn't go far enough.


no it doesnt but as they say every little helps. when Sydney did it they had 10.2% energy reduction across the city. Wow if everyone did it that would be a huge amount worldwide and its really much more realistic than getting everyone to do it all th etime.

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I'm wondering if I can get away with taking the boys nightlight away. Its not that they need it except ds1 sleeps ont he top bunk and needs to see to get down to go to the loo. I'll take it away and if he breaks his neck he can be known for having done it doing some good :)

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wonder how succesful trying to read a book by candlelight will be :?


any suggestions for things to do while the power is off? apart from the obvious :lol:

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Funny you said that DH was grumpy til I said I could think of a few things to do completely innocently and he got the wrong end of the stick.


Have a candlelit bath.

Have a candlelit meal.

We'll probably watch tv as we don't do candles


star watch

go for a walk


edit Egluntines faster than me

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We will be doing it here, although I'll be at work in a huge hypermarket consuming god knows houw many watts per second. I get so cross when I see the freezer and chiller doors just left open as "Ooops, word censored!"ody can be bothered to shut them. Its such a waste!



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We're not using candles. They give off a lot of co2 and it can often be more than a lightbulb would do. Make sure theyre beeswax as theyre th ebest.


Ash I don't htink I'll be hugging trees either. Too cold and windy for me to be outside.

I do hope though that for fairness sakes when fossil fuels are running low in the not too distant future it'll be those who who made the effort in the past who gets a share.

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