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Toys for chickens?

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Mine have a cheap mirror hanging on the inside of the run door and 2 nice perches.


I also hang up a seed bell (make sure it's a natural one and not one with fat in).


I work too so when I get home I give them some treats and let them free range for an hour, they seem happy! :D

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I have seed bell (made with honey and not suet) broccoli hanging up, something to perch on, hanging cd's or a mirror. If you have hemcore on the floor of the run throwing in a couple of handfuls of mixed corn keeps them occupied for ages as they scratch around the run to find the corn! :D

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Mine have:


- a Food Ball which is a wire ball on a chain which I clip onto the run and fill with brocolli stalks or veg to peck at. I bought one for £4 in a local pet shop. Could only find this picture online for you on Ebay.



- Mirror


- Dustbath (old 2x1.5ft plastic box filled with dry earth and diatom)


- A perch - which is an old stick from the park poked through the run bars and out the other side. They love sitting on it. Could use a broom handle, bit of sanded wood etc.

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They sell those wire balls in the omlet shop. i have 2 not that my chooks eat any greens at all yet :roll:


i have

A mirror, a ball to hang, dust bath, small holey plastic ball (maybe stuff with food when they eat more) and a seed bell. Oh and some branches for perches.

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