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What an idiot......

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:oops: Here comes a long post....

I've been away at my boyfriends for the last few days, and while I've been away, stuff between poor Vivienne and Queeny has gotten worse, though Queeny seems to have BALLOONED in size :shock: She's gunna be a very big hen.

Anyway, so I was out in the garden today with them, sweeping up with my boyfriend, when he pointed out an egg in the small greenhouse which we're currently keeping potatoes in before they're planted in the allotment. It's hard to explain, but it's like a plastic zip up mini greenhouse, with mesh at the bottom and this egg was sitting straight upright. We brought some rubber eggs a while ago [if I remember rightly, to show some old hens where to lay], and because this egg in the green house was so HUGE, I figured it must be a rubber fake egg and not a real one. Plus, I thought Vivienne couldn't have gotten into this mini greenhouse to lay an egg anyway, especially since the nest was free :oops: Can you see where I'm going with this.....?!?!?!

I thought I'd play a funny joke and pretend to drop said rubber egg to amuse and frighten boyfriend.... only to my dismay [and Vivienne's, for that matter], that it was a real whopper of an egg, and it splattered all over the floor.

Suffice to say, my boyfriend found it highly amusing anyway.... :oops: But I do feel like a right fool!!

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I love it... it's one of those moments when a camera should have been rolling...


Sorry to hear about the instant unplanned omlette, but still, great for a laugh... I bet your boyfriend will remind you of that one for a long time to come :):)

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