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Bird of prey just swooped on my girls

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The other day hubby saw a bird of prey swoop down on our girls as they were free-ranging. He said that it swooped about a foot over the big girls heads.


It's just happened again as I was watching them out of the window. The cochins weren't bothered....too laid back and too large to be carried away but I reckon that it could take one of the little pekins. I'm not sure what it was but it looked menacing. Stupid thing is that the girls are NOT running back to the hen house or panicing in any way. They just went back to grazing on the tiny amount of grass that we have left.


Talk about a relaxed attitude to life.

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Someone's chicken was attacked by a hawk, I cant remember if it survived as it was a while ago.


I think you cochin giriles will be safe, but keep an eye on the little'uns :)


That was Nichola H. Her girl did survive but from what I remember it wasnt a wild bird, it was someone flying a bird in the fields at the back of her. :x

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Two of my bantams were taken last year and I am pretty sure that Sparrowhawks were responsible. Our neighbours have seen them taking doves from their garden, and my girls were only very small so easy prey. I am not taking any chances now, and am putting heavy duty poultry netting over the fenced area I have just made for the girls.

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TBH the hens couldn't care less. It's me that's paranoid. Even the new RIRs are out free-ranging quite happily with the girls. They seem to prefer the big girls rather than the bantams that I had planned to house them with but that's another story. Will just let them snuggle down together tonight and see where they end up. I can envisage having nine hens in one cube at this rate.

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