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I watched one pop out this morning

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Well, this thread does exactly what it says on the tin!


I went to let the girls out this morning and Madras was snuggling into the woodchip (as an ex-batt she's still learning about nesting boxes- she's in the remedial class). She was making a hell of a racket and Slim Shady was treading all over her trying to nick her space, but after about ten minutes, she suddenly stood up and PLOP, out popped an enormous egg (compared to the others we have had)


I'm so chuffed. I've had hens for a year now and have never seen the exit procedure till today. :lol:

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how exciting! am green with envy as I would LOVE to see this happen but never have...and thank you for making my husband ( who normally thinks I am a dotty old woman when I look lovingly at this website) laugh a lot with the choice of Slim Shady as a name! :D

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been privileged to see 2 laid (made my eyes water!) and ..... had 2 laid in my hand! Hot and sticky :shock: ! Both times I had put my hand in to see if they were sitting on any eggs, as we had a spate of them standing on them and breaking them, and the poor girls were just about to drop. Not sure who was more shocked - me or them :shock:

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Fenny laid as I watched this morning. She was all fluffed up and gave me a real glare as I opened the eglu door. She stayed all fluffed up and then moved away leaving a freshly laid damp and very warm egg on the hemcore. She hasn't laid for about 10 days so I was really chuffed. She then went out, had a good feed of pellets and broadcast to theneighbours that she had laid a nice big egg!!

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Amazing isn't it! I caught little Bo in the act the other day - opened the egg port and she was stood in the 'bearing down' position, so I peeked under her to watch :oops::shock: the egg protrudes covered in the vent lining at first, this then peels back, the egg drops and the vent lining all gets sucked back in again!!! No wonder they are prone to prolapses! Pretty amazing to watch though. 8)

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I have had them laid into my hand before.

What suprised me most was the sticky wet sheen on them - which dries almost instantly.


When you collect a warm dry egg,is there anything better than holding it to your cheek & feeling how smooth & warm it is,or is it just me that does that? :?

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