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Some of you may have seen me mention that I put 6 eggs under 3 broodies. Well I said at the time I didn't expect anything of it. and as I had tried moving them acorss to the eglu with the eggs and they refused to sit so I moved them back. I candled them a week ago and 4 were definitely duds and 2 I really couldnt tell. Plus mum, mum and mum didnt seem that grea at parenting as there was always stray eggs not under bodies.

Well twice a day I boot them out of the nestbox to go and eat, drink and stretch. I did it about an hour ago and saw something odd on one of the eggs. Then I realised it wasnt something on the egg but in fact something sticking out of the egg....a tiny little beak. So I checked the others and one has a small crack in it and cheeping coming from it. So I've just spent the last hour sorting out my eglu so when they are all hatched and sorted I can move them across again. I've boarded up the nest box so the others cant bother them and made a temporary nest box for the others in the roosting area.


Fingers crossed they hatch ok

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I have no idea what breeds they'll be

I bought some cheapie pot luck bantam eggs becaus eI didnt want to spend lots to find they had decided to stop being broody or somthing. The listing said


The eggs you'll receive will be a mix batch laid by some of the following breeds:


Gold Silkies


Blue Silkies


Mottled Pekins


Blue Pekins


Silver Pekins


Lavender Pekins


Welsummer Bantams



I'll see what I can do about the pics and I'll also check again to see what colour the egg was thats definitely going for it. Theyre all varying shades of cream and light brown though and as I have no clue to the dads breed I havnt got much hope of guessing. Maybe I should start a book as to what it is. (Fee might be able to tell me from the chick)

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good news and sad news.

The other egg hatched a little yellow chick.


The sad news my first chick died. It was a little grey thing with a brown stripe and was beautiful and I feel really guilty because I was going to go and move them to the eglu this morning but went into to deal with Nia first. When I found it, it looked like one of them had accidently trodden on him and I wonder if its because there wasn't enought space. I feel worse becuse he was still warm and rigor hadnt set in and it had obviously just happened. If only I had done it when I first meant to.

As the yellow one hatched under a broody I'm assuming it wont get lonely as mum, mum and mum will keep it company?

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Not yet. No names until sexed

It'll be hard to get rid of if its a boy though simply because we can't help but know which one it is so it'll probably be called chick which won't be much better.

I had an awful nights sleep too so am all emotional this morning.

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I've also booted out mum 2 and 3. I wish I had done it before but they were each on two eggs. It just happens that mum that has the chick had both the fertile eggs. Shes being a good mummy but doesnt seem to mind me which is lovely

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