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When I had my eglu and lovely chooks this morning, the guy suggested putting wood shavings in the droppings tray so it cleans out easier. I'm all for the easy life me! :) I fetched some compressed shavings but they seem to be quite interested in eating it. :roll: Is this ok or should I remove the shavings quick?

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I use a mixture of shredded paper and hemcore and both are compostable.


The hemcore is expensive so I use it sparingly but shredded paper is always in short supply in our house.


New chickens want to taste everything except what you want them to eat. Everything is new to them and they like to experiment.

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I put a light sprinkle of Easibed in the droppings tray, it's a cheaper Aubiose/ Hemcore alternative, also available from horsey shops.


It's much easier as it all then just slides off into the green bin or compost bin.


My toddler has tried to eat it out of the next box, but so far the chickens haven't :lol:

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I now use Aubiose everywhere - run, nest box and droppings tray.


However, as it seems rather wasteful to be throwing out the droppings stuff every couple of days, I recycle the Aubiose from the nest box to use in the droppings tray and only after a couple of days in there does it finally get thrown out (well, composted, actually). :):):)



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I now use Aubiose everywhere - run, nest box and droppings tray.


However, as it seems rather wasteful to be throwing out the droppings stuff every couple of days, I recycle the Aubiose from the nest box to use in the droppings tray and only after a couple of days in there does it finally get thrown out (well, composted, actually). :):):)




That's really funny DW. You've called your Gingernut Nutmeg, whereas I've called my Gingernut Ginger, and my Pepperpot Nutmeg!! When my Nutmeg arrived, she was definitely dark brown, but has now gone greeny black, but the name has still stuck :lol: [/i]

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Hi guys :D i just wondered as i get alot of shredded paper and don't yet have the chooks, would they eat it or could i use it in the nest box as well? or :roll: should i mix it with aubiose or hemcore and which composts best/quickest as i too only have one fairly full compost bin. Also if you put the poo into a plastic box, presumably it is mixed with aubiose or the like and so does that compost down ok with it???this is all so complex :? i can't wait to get them this saturday though, and all my worries will just dissappear!?! :lol:

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If you use shredded paper from a normal shredder, tear A4 size sheets into 4 first so that the bits aren't too long then if they do eat a bit it shouldn't do any harm. If you've got a cross cut shredder, you'll be fine.


You don't need to mix it with aubroise or hemcore to get it to compost down. The hemcore and aubroise are good for absorbing the poo and reduce the smell a bit. Paper will rot down as long as it is mixed with wetter stuff like garden or kitchen waste.


Good luck for Saturday but don't expect peace of mind. You'll find lots of new things to worry about - we all do!


Everyone on the forum can give lots of help and advice to put your mind at rest. Don't forget to post some photos of your girls for us all to admire

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i just wondered as i get alot of shredded paper and don't yet have the chooks, would they eat it or could i use it in the nest box as well? or :roll: should i mix it with aubiose or hemcore and which composts best/quickest as i too only have one fairly full compost bin. Also if you put the poo into a plastic box, presumably it is mixed with aubiose or the like and so does that compost down ok with it???this is all so complex :?

I use just shredded (crosscut) paper in the nestbox and also in the poo tray along with a couple of sheets of newspaper. My girls don't eat it. Everything composts really well, paper, hemcore/aubiose, chicken poo :D . Try adding male wee to the compost too (sorry :oops: ) - it's apparently a good compost activator!

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Can anyone tell me where i can get my hands on Aubiose in or around Coventry. i am using straw at the moment but you seen to swear by this stuff and any idea of the price??


Here's a couple of websites you may find useful. I pay £9.50 for a bale of hemcore but some people can get it for about £7.





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Countrywide Stores in Bearly which is sort of near Stratford but I believe there is a Countrywide even nearer to Coventry than that. Its where I go! Be warned you WILL spend lots of money in there and not just on the chickens!!! I use aubiose in the droppings tray and straw in the nest box all from there! They have a Poultry section -oooer!


Look it up on the web - Countrywide (sorry can't do those linky things!)

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