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our sixy chicks

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we had our girls for Valentines weekend... I absolutely loathed birds and was terrified of them all my life I am 43 now so a long time I was scared of birds, however how can one loathe the tiny little 3 week olds that my husband brought home in a box , that peeped at me when the lid was lifted?6 little babies for me to take care of and nurture... and now? you ask...I even pick up gruesome scary worms for them, which is another unheard of for me , I love my girls dearly and worry and fuss over them like they are my children, they are absolutely hilarious and I enjoy every minute I can with them including cuddles. I would advise anyone who is hesitant about keeping hens, not o give it a second thought... mine are part of the family now and I can't imagine being without them any more. :D

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ha ha I thought I'd do a take on Sexy and Six..... as in sexy chick but the hen version....and yes before anyone asks I'm kinda goofy....lol I live in Macclesfield... Cheshire Poet, do you know it? (ha ha that ryhmes)

and yes I'll post piccies, they are all girls my hens and they are called Henrietta, Snowy, Myrtle, Aries, Frosty and Ginger snap...

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are you quite close then to me Poet?

Im not sure how to post pictures... my piccies are all in photobucket...


the girls... and wow 1st attempt at it and I did it lol










this is them when they 1st came home to us...






meet Truffle 2nd piccie and Henna 1st piccie and here's ruby their sister


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hennymom they are lovely!! I like the pic of when they were tiny, how did you find keeping such young chicks? Were they kept indoors for a while? I would love to get some really young ones but don't feel I have enough experience. :?


Your run is great too. And the piggies, I love piggies but then I'm biased!!



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thanks for your nice comments they were inside my utility room for 8 weeks, in a large guinea pig run with newspaper, apart from the mess they made they were lovely to have indoors I was able to watch them grow and get them used to us handling them..and there was no risk of cold, injury or fright from anything outdoors, now they are bigger they love being in their run all day it has a concrete base with the wire sunk into it so no chance of anything getting into them.

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while Im on the subject of my girls.. can anyone tell me why one of them opens her beak like a yawn every now and then, is she digesting her food or do you think something is stuck, sometimes she does it a few times and others not at all...it looks like a big yawn but Im not so sure... thanks in advance for any peace of mind passed on :wink::D I'm still a little in awe of them to be honest, humans eh? :roll:

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