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Aren't "Chicken-People" lovely!!!!

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I think chickens definitely bring out the best in people! :D after a miserable day chickens certainly bring a smile to my face.


You are very welcome for the advice, everyone on here is so helpful and friendly - it really is a special place.


Excuse me for being all gushy :oops::lol:

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The people here are certainly very friendly, probably because we are mainly "pet chicken" owners and all anxious to do the right thing by our girls.


You do get a few more prickly characters on some of more "serious" poultry forums (i.e. the ones that have members who breed and show their own pure-breeds, so are more competitive), but even on there, folk are generally fairly polite - or they get banned!


Myself, I don't hang out on the kind of forums where rudeness and incoherence are commonplace - life's too short to spend my leisure time in the company of @%$#holes :)

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I must admit, i went home from work yesterday feeling quite ill and very sorry for myself, but after an hour with my chickens watching them eat their treat of mash, corn, sultanas, rice, poultry spice and smashed egg shells which they got very excited about indeed i felt much better and a lot happier.


Chickens are deffo a mood improver x And i must say that everyone on this forum is lovely...and i'm on a fair few forums where sometimes this isn't the case so thank you to everyone who has been nice to me here too x

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The only problem with this forum is that you never get any housework done!! I have the day off today and my house is a pit and I have been sat here for nearly an hour!!


Someone tell me to get off it - please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know just what you mean... time just flys buy on here. :roll:


Yesterday I did manage some housework [cleaned my kitchen cupboards out]....... but that was only because a friends son came to repair my desktop so I couldn't get on the net to look on here even if I had wanted to...have to confess to feeling some withdrawl symptoms after 4 hours with no access. :shock:

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Yes, this is a truly lovely place to both learn and share. :D


I have a theory (backed by no science whatsoever!) that the most wonderful gift that our hens give to us is to make us live in the moment every day.


Many of us live too much in the past (hurt) and/or future (worry). Our girls (one way or another) put us squarely in the here and now.


But I will also love the eggs! :wink:


(Thirteen days until delivery of Cube and at least three Pepperpots--will raise it to four if I can!)

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I couldn't agree more with the comments here - this really is a very friendly and helpful forum. I only joined in January but we've been having a bit of a rough time and everyone has been so supportive :D


Its a bit of a chicken and egg question isn't it - do warm, friendly people get chickens, or do they make us warm and friendly ?! :wink:


Whatever the answer I too am hooked on this forum :D:roll:



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