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Hemcore - a couple of questions.

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Just planning our Eglu area.


We are going to have a permanent area on top of soil. We are thinking of using Hemcore in both the run and the area outside (edged area). As I have not seen the consistency of Hemcore - does it blow in the wind? And how is it when it rains?


Thanks. :D

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I use aubiose which is finer and softer than hemcore. It doesn't really blow around in the wind, but you might want to edge the run with wood/or anything to stop it being kicked out. It will get wet, so a shower curtain/winter shade is a must. It clumps together when wet.




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Hmm, don't have that so not sure :think: . If it wasn't covered it would get damp so probably wouldn't fly away unless it was very windy. Not sure about dry weather though.


I'd just try it and see how you get on. You may end up just leaving soil in the area outside the run - the girls will scratch and flick everything all over the place anyway :roll: .

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I get mine for £6.80!


At the moment I'm using Hemcore which is co"Ooops, word censored!"r than Aubiose. I have to say though, that I prefer Aubiose.................you just can't get it at the moment because of the factory fire :(

Neither will blow away, unlike wood shavings :evil: (HATE THEM).

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I prefer to use Hemcore, have used auboise too which is finer and I think it blows around more than Hemcore. Also Hemcore is impregnated with citronella so smells nice and doesn't get too smelly to quickly. Drys out pretty quick after the rain. We keep our run covered so stays dry in there mainly.

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Thanks for all your replies, but now I'm confused.....not that it takes much!!


Our set up is going to be like the Omlet guide to a permanent run without grass. probably on slabs.


We intended to use wood chippings, however can only find bark in B&Q etc and apparently that is not recommended because of mould spores. So my dilemma is do I use Hemcore both in the run and beyond up to the edging and just let it keep getting wet or do I use Hemcore in the Eglu run and bark outside upto the edging - however if I do that when raking etc will the Hemcore and bark just become mixed anyway?

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You should be able to find plain wood chippings at B&Q (rather than bark - that's what we've put in the run. I also have a bale of Easibed, I have put a thin layer in the droppings tray and filled up nest box.


We found that the Easibed 'dissolved' a bit too quickly in the run itself and that we needed something a bit co"Ooops, word censored!"r, but I guess it depends how much you

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You should be able to find plain wood chippings at B&Q (rather than bark

I went to B&Q yesterday and they had Play Bark chippings, Small Bark chippings and Large Bark chippings - the only wood chippings at both B&Q and Homebase were coloured ones and I have read they due to the colouring these are unacceptable too.

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I have my run on soil covered in wood chips from my local tree surgeon 9£10 for a vanload). I put hemcore to the depth of about 2" in the run. Every couple of weeks I rotate the run, as the hemcore has by then been fully mixed in to the wood chips. Once every 2 months or so I give the whole lot a good forking over and sprinkle in some garden lime just for good measure as this helps to stop any nasty smells (not that I've had any so far). If I could cover the whole area (4mx4m approx) I would do away with the wood chip and have hemcore only.

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