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Chicken recall..?

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I got my Eglu & 2 chooks (called Sage & Onion-original eh!) delivered on friday by Omlet and i planned on keeping them inside the run for the obligatory 5 days...until a little while ago. :wink:


The Gingernut called 'Onion' is bold as brass and comes upto the wire for food & dont mind being stroked,but she keeps peckig my fingers for food so atleast i know what her god is! I hand fed them both Marmite on toast earlier which they loved and also freshly dug worms which caused a few squabbles. :roll: 'Sage' the Pepperpot is still cautious about comming near me and just goes wherever Onion does.

I wanted to see if they were curious about their surroundings and they were! They spent a good 3/4hr pecking at everything in garden and they eventually wandered back into the run for a drink so i closed the door after them.


I did keep my dog inside the house though so not to alarm them.Just gotta take it one day at a time.





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They've got a taste for freedom cos everytime i walk past the run-Onion atleast comes running over expecting to be let out! She keeps pecking at my fingers for food,but her recall is better than my dog cos all i have to do is show her food! :lol:


Wonderful things! :D

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Lovely photos


What pretty girls! You look to have a lovely garden too. :D


At the moment ! :lol::lol:

Mine wait at the run door now, they know they get let out in the afternoon, they head straight for the same plants in the same order every day, remembered just in time today to cover my ornamental thistle while there is still some of it left.

It's lovely to see them pottering about (destroying) the garen though

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They are very sweet, especially the bottom pic, the little GN looks like she has feet that are too big for her!!


Great names too - the guys I work with were trying to think of names for my first chooks and suggested Sweet & Sour!! And when I left the team one of my pressies was a jar of 'Chicken Tonight' cook-in sauce!! :?


There's not many people take you seriously when you say you love chickens - good fun tho' :D

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There's not many people take you seriously when you say you love chickens - good fun tho' :D


I work with someone who said "why bother-you can get freerange eggs from farms".


I politely explained that we're all different and wouldnt life be dull if we all had the same tastes.I must add though this person is the classic Meldrew type and he never spoke to me for rest of afternoon...which was bliss... :wink:


I think they're fascinating creatures! :dance:

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I have just plucked up the courage to tell my next door neighbours (an elderly couple) that I was getting some chickens. There was a 'stoney silence' - then he said, 'are you going to let them free-range? you'll get more for the eggs if you do!!' - like I was getting them just so that I could sell the eggs and make a profit!!


eeerrrrrrgggghhhhhh!!!!!! :twisted::twisted::twisted:

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I have just plucked up the courage to tell my next door neighbours (an elderly couple) that I was getting some chickens. There was a 'stoney silence' - then he said, 'are you going to let them free-range? you'll get more for the eggs if you do!!' - like I was getting them just so that I could sell the eggs and make a profit!!


eeerrrrrrgggghhhhhh!!!!!! :twisted::twisted::twisted:


My neighbours were excited as me when i announced to them a few weeks back that i was getting chickens! I honestly cannot fault them and they've all been round to look at the girls. :clap:


Someone else did ask me whether i was gonna sell them,but i dont think im gonna be retiring early on what 2 chooks can produce... :lol:

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The title of the thread led me to believe that there was a problem with some chickes....and they wewre having to go back to the breeder! :oops::lol:


Don't worry, Egluntine, I thought it meant that there was a problem too. :wink:


I love pics of new chooks! Your girls look like kids in a sweetshop, Stevie. :lol:

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Thanks all! :D


I was watching them earlier.Sage the Pepperpot was inside the Eglu obviously wanting some sleep,but Onion the Ranger didnt and all you could see was Sage's head continually bobbing about waiting for her friend to come inside! :lol:


Onion is definetly the more adventurous & fearless of the two.

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Great names too - the guys I work with were trying to think of names for my first chooks and suggested Sweet & Sour!! And when I left the team one of my pressies was a jar of 'Chicken Tonight' cook-in sauce!! :?


There's not many people take you seriously when you say you love chickens - good fun tho' :D


My DH wants a Blackrock but is insisting he is either going to call it Spit or Roast :cry:


Those girls are gorgeous - can't wait for some chooks of our own :D

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