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A Dead Chicken

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we purchased all our chickens together, along with the Eglu set up, from Omlet (5 pepperpots and 5 ginger nuts) and have had them for just over a month.

There have been no signs of bullying within the group, however, we had a young one that we found dead last night.

After calling Omlet this morning, they suggested that the other chickens have tail pecked her and when it drew blood she was pecked to death.

Has anyone else encountered this problem as it was most distressing?

omlet have refunded us for the chicken but it's more of the loss of the hen, rather than the money.

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hi were there any signs of damage to the bird? When mine was attacked by the other birds she had just come in to lay and was the most flighty of the three but it happened very quickly (say within half an hour) and if we hadnt intervened she would have most certainly been killed by the others . however the damage done was such that she had to be put down.

I am so sorry that this happened to your chicken and that you are saddened by it.

If there was no sign of damage to the bird then maybe she had a heart attack?

I hope things settle down for you

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Thanks to all for your kind messages, we know we have to put this behind us and hope this never happens again to the other hens.

But I have got to tell you, we fell out Big time last night with our hens :(

As up untill now this has been a lovely experience.

Have been keeping a close eye on them all today! :)

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hi Laura have been keeping more of a close eye on them for the past 2 days have noticed that one of the pepperpots, Valerie , can be quite nasty to the gingernuts ... felt like supervising a creche 2 day.....the 5 pepperpots are far bigger hens than the gingernuts and are most definatly a lot older, I agree with your dad about the pecking order as i keep horses and the same thing applies to them, but they sort themselves out a lot quicker than hens . starting to get a bit paranoid now about this feather pulling and just wish the gingernuts would grow a bit bigger so they can stick up for themselves. Hope Babe gets on o.k . All the best Trudy

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Hi Trudy, sorry to hear your news, we had a similar incident with a young chook as part of our new group, it's horrific, to the point that we hated having chooks for 2 weeks following it.


Things do improve, give them time, then they'll catch your attention doing something silly and you wont be able to stop yourself smiling at them again. And before you know it you'll love having chickens again. We've been through every emotion with ours ... even thought about dropping them off at a local farm as they were all a bit mad, but the emotions change and we're now all back in love an happy again.


Do something to help you move on, I found great therapy in the sunshine and scrubbing the eglu cube for a couple of hours until I was happy it was clean. The sun and the scrubbing helped me deal with it all and we all felt better.


I hope things improve... x :(

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So sorry to hear your sad news, Trudy. Even the most sweet-tempered chook can get bloodlust, I guess. :(


I've seen some awful pecking but never had it go as far as yours. I've only ever lost a chook to a fox.


I hope your other girls settle down together OK. *hugs*

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