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Ana's flock

...she gave me 'the look'

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Yesterday I went to buy some chicken feed and some sand for the girls new dust bath.


I really didn't have any intention to get any more hens, honest :liar:


Then I saw her, a lovely fluffy, silver columbine with a poorly tail (she had been pecked and all her tail feathers missing, her parson's nose showing, poor thing). The very nice assistant explained how she had been attacked by other hens when she was in a smaller cage, and how she had to be treated - her feathers just starting to come back).


And then she gave me 'the look', what a pretty little face! so I decided to buy her... the only thing is that next door was this fluffy huge black speckled brahma hen too... who let me stroke her through the gaps in the cage... :anxious:


To cut a long-story short, now we've got Sunset and Oggy Bloomers living with us - they are gorgeous! (and I'm on my way to Cambridgeshire this morning to get a white leghorn... the family keeps getting bigger. And OH hasn't complained yet! (He was secretly rather chuffed with Bloomers let him stroke her...) :lol:


The question is, what charming school do hens go to? do they train them at the shop, or is it natural?

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Oggy is from Nanny Ogg. I always imagine her with lots of lacey petticoats and bloomers (hence the bloomers too). She's got feathers all the way to her feet!


No pics yet - I'm waiting to collect the little leghorn and I'll get them all. - (I'm only going to get one girl this time...):angel:


I also need to be able to manage with Photobucket - I find it crashes on me (using Safari on a Mac) - if anyone knows of a more mac-friendly way I'd love the advice.



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Sounds like the chicken collection is building nicely :lol::lol:


I find the only way to resist temptation is to avoid any opportunities... :lol:


I have a Brahma as you described, my Chicken lady told me they were Dark Brahmas. :D Doris is the friendliest of all and will sit for an age in my 7yr neice's arms :D



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