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Hi Mcpen... It's a bit daunting at first, then you find you are at it at all hrs :lol: I'm a relative newcomer(Feb) and it's been great. I hate to say it in public, but it's the busiest and most lively site I've visited, and everyone is pretty good to each other. Enjoy yourself!! and dont worry about getting lost, or posting in the wrong bit, as we all do it..

You can ask this bunch the daftest questions, and someone will have an answer.. :roll:

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Hi Mcpen. I replied to you in the newbie section..hope you got it! I'm still trying to find my way but there is so much on the site I'm finding difficult to keep track of everyone as the pages fill up so quickly. I'm sure we will meet again....somewhere on Omlet!


Hi jackiepoppies,

Yes did get our message sorry didnt answer sooner but still finding way round. Dont have any hens yet but hopefully will get them in near future cant decide which colour eglu to go for or how many hens, I will need lots of advice and have still got lots of question to ask but suppose no rush , just want to make sure I make the right decisions :) Hope to hear from you again :)

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Hi Mcpen... It's a bit daunting at first, then you find you are at it at all hrs :lol: I'm a relative newcomer(Feb) and it's been great. I hate to say it in public, but it's the busiest and most lively site I've visited, and everyone is pretty good to each other. Enjoy yourself!! and dont worry about getting lost, or posting in the wrong bit, as we all do it..

You can ask this bunch the daftest questions, and someone will have an answer.. :roll:


Hi freddie I'm so sure that I will be asking daft questions but not to worried cos I have got to learn and everyone does seem very helpful :oops:

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