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Keanie Bean

Borax and Bicarb in supermarket!

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Our Tesco is doing them too. The whole Tesco thing is so hard, yes they are a(generalising) evil, money grabbing, selfish, domineering,heartless, profit first, faceless corparation but they are also (round here) the supermarket selling the most Fair trade, free range, enviromentally friendly organic products. We do have a little Co-op which comes a close second but don't have the range of products as it's a fraction of the size. If I am to shop ethically/enviromentally friendly then often Tesco is where I can get the products but I don't really want to give them my money :?

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Bicarb is a fab deodorant! Use the baking bicarb as it's more finely ground! Stops the wetness and smell which is great for work during hot flushes!! It's an age thing!


I also tried borax in the washing up water which worked well but I couldn't get used to no bubbles!!


1 tsp of borax and bicarb makes a dishwashing powder that actually works!


And finally I use the same mix on the shower tray and it's fab once you get used to using it. Borax is a natural mould killer!!

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That's good news Sheila! :D My lovely DD3 has left my shampoo, conditioner and shower gel where she was staying last week. :evil: I have found a shop in Reigate which sells Green People stuff, but hadn't heard of Faith in Nature. :? I wonder if my local Oxfam will stock Faith in Nature? I suspect not, but I can ask. :) I'll refer them to St Alban's!! :lol:

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:) We'll have to have a rendez-vous & I'll bring you some Ginette. London Bridge station? :lol:

Oxfam shops are categorised according to selling potential & ours is quite large & "upmarket" for want of a better word, so we stock everything that Oxfam Trading purchase, smaller shops just can't afford to.


I bought both brands when I changed from SLES brands. The Green People is effective & hair looks good, but it has an "gone off" smell (unless that's just my batch?) Daughters both get on better with F.I.N. too, it's hard to remember to use a smaller amount with the thicker Green people products.

Faith in nature is my favourite, there are several plant varieties, and we're stocking the shower gel too. :D

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Having used both those brands too, I find FIN much better than Green People. I'm glad to see that Oxfam now also stock Bio-D cleaning products - I just love them and find them far more effective than Ecover. I went right off Ecover when I found that they had SLS in their hand wash and shower gel *tuts*


Our local Oxfam isn't up to much, and the lady who works there seem to go in just to snooze behind the till :roll: I use the Stratford branch - we're in there often enough.

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