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"cheep cheep" -Daily Photos

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I have been sitting by the inbubator for 4 1/2 hrs, now i have the laptp by me. :)


we have 4 beaks chirping at me, i'd say about 5p-10p sixed holes, they first cracked at around 12 and 5p....


I'll take some photos in a mintue, i have LOADS of work to do tonight, but my maternal instinct is too strong and i 'need' to watch them!


I have been dancing round the house with excitement. Ross isnt really bothered, i made him get out of the bath when the first one popped its beak through with Shampoo all lathered on his head! LOL


Ill go get the camera!



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Just my Lohmanns, aka Gingernuts hens with my Bantam cochin,


We are REALLLLLLLLY suprised the Big gingers are hatching , theres also 3 bantam cochin ones, but only one has a tiiiiiiiint hole in it,


do you think it'll hatch?


Also, i've read loooooads of books on hatching since October, one of the eggs, has a teeny tiny speck of blood on the shell, do you think it'll be ok?


Come on then, lets have a tally, how long did it take yos to peck out of the shell?

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They can take up to 8 hours after pipping to get out, after that then I'd watch & see how they are going on!!!

You are not alone talking & cheeping to your eggs! I said good morning eggs & goodnight eggs every day until hatch!!! When they started rocking then I began to sing daisy daisy!!! Oh & when they pipped I started whilsting ' this old man, he played one..he played nick nack on my drum!!!! :lol::oops: They still recognise the whistling of this old man!!!! Very cute, they sort of stop & listen!


Good luck, hope they hatch before bedtime for you..if not, you will wake up to lickle chickies!



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They are rocking around and sticking their beaks sometimes faces out. I called my grandad whos hatched eggs all his life, heaid their fine and to make sure the Humidity is high [which it is, 62%] or they could get stuck, which i knew anyway, he said sometimes it can take 14 hrs- 18 hrs for them to hatch!!


Aslong as they are chriping they should be ok apparently!


Crafty Hunny, youd make such a good mom, your so funny!


Seth would love you!

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we have another Ginger!!!


Your right, no work seems to be getting done, we are sitting in a living room with Brio train track all over the floor, [seth and ross were playing with it] we have Mika's playlist on the TV, set and i are dancing round watching his music Vid's . Hes amazing.


2 more are ready to hatch! cracked all the way round.


Seh kept saying ''POK - POK -POOOOOK '' to them!!! Amazing he knows their chickens, not ''TWeet Tweet '' birdies!


[speaking of seth hes just pulled 100 or so books off the book case, goodjob their all light Miffy, Elmer etc books.]


|I took some pics of the chicks, but not ross' pjs, i will tho]


brb, going to check on the babies :)

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