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Guest OffSpring

Lower Back/Neck Pain

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Hi everyone,


I should probably go and see a GP/doctor about this, but I thought I would ask my knowledgeable omleteer friends first! :lol:


I have been suffering from excruciating lower back and neck pain for several months now. The pain is all day, everyday and I have just got used to living with it. I don't like to take painkillers if I can help it, so I haven't taken any at all. :roll:


I'm not overweight or underweight. I do a small/moderate amount of low impact exercise and I'm a male in my twenties, so surely it can't be arthritis? :shock:


Also, I hadn't been doing any heavy lifting or twisting when this first occured and the neck and lower back pain started at about the same time.


Is anyone aware of what this could be or what I could do to treat it? :wink:


When I get time, I will go to visit a GP/doctor, but I haven’t seen them since I was a child (we're not a very ill family so no known hereditary problems have been passed down), in fact I don't think I'm even registered with a local doctor/gp… :oops:

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Hi Offspring,

If you have no symptoms other than backpain then it is most likely to be simple, mechanical back pain. The advice for that is to use analgesia and keep active. Even then it can take a few months to settle down, but is quite normal and not an indication that you have any serious wrong with your back. If you have had it a couple of months and are still functioning, then that is the most likely scenario, but I would strongly recommend that you get it looked at by your GP just to be sure. The majority of back has no serious underlying cause, but important to get it checked out first.


Hope you get it sorted - back pain is horrid isn't it! :?

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Thanks for your kind replies...


Yes back/neck pain is awful, I wouldn't wish it on anybody!!


I will probably go and see a doctor/GP, but being a typical male I have been putting it off, thinking "it might sort itself out tomorrow" and also I don't want to be a waste of time when there are probably more needier cases... lol

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sorry I've just read this, I think you should take some anti inflammatories for your back/neck pain, it could be repetitive stra in injury... ibuprofen is good, have you thought about your bed...is your mattress old (sorry not being rude, )but a lot of times, it's posture that causes back problems, do you sit on a computer chair for a great many hours? check your mattress is still at it's best we bought a new tempur mattress late last year and WOW my bad back vanished.... my son sits at a pc all day, he suffers with back and neck pain... his dad is a gp he said it could be his posture... if after a week of anti inflammatories it is not better I would go see your gp, it could be more serious like a bulging disc or something.... hope you feel better very soon!

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There is nothing more irritating than a pain in the neck, Offspring.


As you have not seen a doctor for a long while, I'd advise you to go along for a check up.


Your symptoms are vague but persistent enough to be anything on the scale from trivial to worrying.


A quick once over to put you mind at rest is a good idea, and take some pain killers. It might relax you enough to relieve any spasm.

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Hi :D I'm a radiographer at an orthopaedic hospital and I really think you aught to follow this up with your gp.

You are rather young to get arthritis in these areas unless you've been involved in an accident of some sort.

My initial thoughts are have you been checked for a mild curviture of the spine (scoliosis or kyphosis) to have 2 areas giving you such pain is a worry. If you do have a slight curve it can throw your discs out and cause intense pain.

It could be a mechanical disc problem but unless you have a heavy job once again you are quite young.

If it is a couple of discs watch out for numbness and pins and needles in your arms and legs these are symptoms of a severe disc prolapse.

Take some anti-inflammatories, see your gp and rest.

Let us know how you get on.

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Thanks for your help everyone!


I have always been very conscious of keeping the correct posture, so I don't think it could be that...


But saying that I do spend a fair bit of time at work sat down on a chair. But I do get up and walk about quite a bit and take regular breaks! :wink:


My bed is about 2-3 years old now. But it was a very good one at the time, costing around £800 at full price and luckily I had it at 75% off!! It's not a modern one with memory foam etc. just a hand tuffted divan. However I am constantly turning at night trying to find a more comfortable position, but I think that's more down to my pain than the bed.


My partner has been great as she has been putting my shoes and socks on and taking them off for me, as if I bend down too far, my back doesn't seem to be strong enough to be able to pull me back up! :cry:


It could be a slipped disc as the pain seems to get more severe when I move, but I'm not getting any pins and needles or spasms, just severe pain in the lower back and neck.


I will definitely try and find time to see a gp/doctor soon then...

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Hi Offspring. As a retired nurse, I have nothing further to add than the sensible advice you've already received. Do go and see your GP. It is not sensible to suffer so long in silence. Anti-inflamatories are good for relief but you need to know what is causing the pain in the first place to be able to follow the correct treatment.


Do keep us posted.

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My mum suffers from back pain after fracturing a vertebrae approximately 17 or so years ago. Back pain can be such a bain on anyones life and often renders me with plenty of pain too. Beware of painkillers such as ibuprofen when taken for prolonged periods of time as they cause the lining of the stomach to ulcerate, but I am talking years of use here not just taking it as and when.


If there is no diagnosis for your pain which unforunately can be the case for backs then definately try alternative therapies. My mum swore by acupunture, and reflexology used to help too. Go and see a doctor first and foremost, acute pain as you seem to be describing is generally from a definite cause so I hope you are able to sort things out.



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