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They just love their Eglu

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I got my Eglu on Friday and collected 3 lovely girls the same day. When we got home we set up the eglu at the side of the large walk-in run and put them in the eglu as instructed for about half an hour. When I opened the door it took them ages to come out. When they did it was photo call time of course.


Since then they have a run around for a while and then disappear into their eglu - all 3 of them - and cuddle up for a rest. They're guaranteed to come out if we go out into the garden but are happy to sit in the eglu when we're inside!!


At first I thought it was just because it was horrid windy weather, but today has been gorgeous - and they've been out quite a bit but they're back in there again!


They've got loads to do in there run, and I was told they'd be out nearly all the time - should I be worried that they're hiding away or grateful that they love each other and their eglu so much?!




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If we go in the run with them they're out and around us. They'll eat grapes but weren't at all interested in the cabbage I gave them.

They're even getting used to being picked up.... just when we go back in the house, they haven't figured out how to entertain themselves yet.


I'm sure you're right about the new surroundings.... must be very different from a shed full of other chickens.

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Food and Water half way along the front of the run.


Since writing they have been out quite alot this evening.... so I think it's probably a matter of time. Just getting used to a whole new world.


Pleased they seem content with each other and happy in their new home.

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Bung some logs and branches in there for them to climb on and a tubtrug filled with soil and ash for dustbathing.


In the 'real world', chickens' predators often come from above... see them cower when a bird of prey or low plane comes over... so they feel safer with a roof over their heads. They'll be out when they feel safer and know where the food is.

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Lovely run! Looks very solidly and professionally built.


My skylines spent the first two weeks here hiding under the henhouse (it's on legs about four inches long), so I wouldn't worry too much, as long as they are all eating and drinking. They'll get braver day by day. Mine now don't spend any time indoors other than laying eggs and bedtime.

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Thanks for the comments. They seem to be out a bit more today even though it's raining. They have an area of grass (at the moment) an area of earth which they have already used as a dustbath and an area of large bark chips. I've ordered some Aubiose for the grass area once it's destroyed.


My DH is rather a good DIYer. I was thinking of turning him professional he made such a good job of the run. He didn't really want chickens at all but then he suggested making the large run, and now I keep finding him sitting on a chair inside it with them!!!!!


They sure are fascinating.

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We cheated a bit with the run design. I printed photo's of all the lovely runs on here, then we had to make it fit the sloping area we were putting it on. Used slabs around the edge - fox proofing, a clear plastic corrugated roof to let in light but keep it all dry and then we made it in panels that we screwed together.


Wood, roofing and slabs from Wickes, Wire Mesh was on special offer at B&Q (3 rolls for the price of 2) that's a saving of about £20.


Really pleased with it and glad you like it.

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