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Sage's first egg!!!

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Sage laid her first egg today! :clap:


Its not very big,weighs only 43g,but is perfectly formed and has a real thick shell.I let both her and Onion out of Eglu at usual time this morning (5.30am),took my dog for a walk and checked on my return,but alas-no egg.


I came home from work this afternoon and discovered a wonderful egg in the nest box! :D

Just gotta wait for Onion to start now! :lol:



The layer!


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When i cracked it for frying earlier (my poached eggs are often lousy,but i can fry the perfect egg!)-the shell was really thick and tough so shows they're getting plenty of calcium from the crushed oyster shells i give them.


Cant wait for tommorrows one!!! :D:D:D

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Sage laid another egg today which was bigger than first and weighs 50g so they're getting better! :D

Curiously though,the shell looks different from yesterdays one and im sure Sage laid it because Onion is still too imature.Can the shells differ this much from one day to another?







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mmmmm........puzzling :think::think:


when I saw yesterday's egg, I knew without reading who laid it.. (my pepperpot lays identical eggs) ........ not so sure about todays egg :?:?


They can alter a bit from day to day when they are getting the hang of things, but my Pepperpot has always laid darker eggs............a bit of an Egg Mystery I think :wink::D

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