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Asparagus, as far as the eye can see....

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OK, a slight exaggeration but it's brilliant to see my faithful asparagus plants doing their best despite the slugs and cold weather. Anyone else having any success out there? My green fingers are itching to get gardening.. hopefully spring is finally here now!



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Weeellll.......... ours looks a bit like that except all the bumps on ours are cat poo :evil:


I'm going to get it all cleared off, disinfected and then netted once my tooth pain has subsided.


Cats :evil:


I can't wait for my asparagus bed to look like yours.

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Ours is a new bed as well - the fourth one I've made.


The first one was undermined by moles :evil: , then we had builders in.....I covered the bed with trellis but they still destroyed it :evil: .... made a third one and then moved here to the farm :roll:


I'm looking forward to the sp"Ooops, word censored!" pickings we can make this year.


Redbug - it is easy to grow but you need a permanent bed so not really suitable in small gardens. You need to keep it weed free. I do plant dwarf french beans around the edge of mine as I hate to see an empty bed once the asparagus is over.

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Been reading about asparagus and how to grow it. Would like to grow some. The plants have to grow high for the first two years? Not to pick the asparasgus for the first two years. But the plants last for 17yrs or more.

I have moles in my garden. :(

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I had a hard look at ours on Tuesday, but the only things growing are bindweed and grass.


Our patch is pretty big and provides masses of stems, we planted it over a 3 year period, and even managed to get bored with it last year :shock:


It is fairly over run with bindweed now which has come over from the school boundary which is alongside our allotment :evil: We will have to try to move some of the stronger crowns in the autumn to a clean bed. It cropped really well last year despite the bindweed.

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Moles are a nusance my grass used to be level once. :? Will do that Lesley. Love the idea of having my own asparagus....mmm. Think now is the very latest time to put them in. Have seen some still in a couple of garden centres. Think I may buy 10 plants do you think that is enough?

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How many plants approx. do you have.


We've only got 4 plants which give us more than enough asparagus from now til 1st June. After that you allow the stems to grow into tall frothy ferns which are cut down in about Oct/Nov. The first year you need to leave them to settle in, but after that you can start picking! Ours are 4 years old now, hopefully we'll get the first crop this weekend! Definitely one of the best/most reliable edible plants to grow!

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Do they have to be planted a foot apart? I have 30 to go in ( sown a couple of years ago and still in pots).


I also wondered if you can plant other things in between as the bed will only be cropping for a short time during the year. Not that I'm running out of space, but I want to maximise the use of the bed.

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Yes, Yes, Yes, I can see some small spears poking their heads out of the asparagus bed!!!!


I confess, I was that eccentric woman in the garden at dusk getiing damp and blown away putting the chicken wire around the asparagus bed. Luckily our neighbours know us so well that unconventional behaviour such as this goes unnoticed and un-commented upon! :lol:

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Hooray! My asparagus is showing signs of life! I bought a pack of 3 crowns in B&Q this year, put it in but thought it hadn't taken. So pleased! Not supposed to pick it this year though. :(

Are slugs very fond of asparagus :?: Each of the 3 crowns has one little spear coming through and one of the spears already had a slug attached to it.

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I planted a couple of crowns in a couple of tyres - I thought they were doing nothing then hey presto, last weekend I saw they had sprouted.


Just have to be patient for a few more years till I can eat them now.

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