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Wheelchair for Dad

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As some of you know, Dad is being moved into a nursing home tomorrow. He isn't terribly mobile and uses a zimmer but if I'm going to be able to take him out I think I'll definitely need a wheelchair for him.


I need a lightweight, foldable one that'll fit in my Vauxhall Astra. Does anyone have any experience of this and could recommend what I should be looking for? It's possible we can get one from the council but would like to be prepared in case we have to buy one ourselves.


Any advice gratefully received :) .

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Thinking in the long term, you may be able to get your dad's consultant to contact the Mobility department and request a chair for your dad...this does take some time. You could perhaps try and get intouch with your local hospital as I know down here they do loan them out but you do have to put down a deposit which is returnable. As said before you can also try your local Red Cross. Hope you are successful. Do take care.

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For a permanent wheelchair you can get a referral made to the local Wheelchair Service. The staff are either Occupational Therapists or Physiotherapists.


There is also a scheme in the Wheelchair Services where you can "trade" the amount of money your father's assessed appropriate wheelchair would cost as a voucher towards a wheelshair of his choice with the therapist's agreement that it is appropriate and meets his need (usually this means that by adding a little extra money he can choose a lighter more compact wheelchair than the NHS issue ). This scheme should run in Scotland as well.


It may be possible for you to refer your father to this service if it has "open referral" or hisGP/GP nurse can make it on his behalf.

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