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Sarah B

Feeling awful - anyone else got this?

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Blimey, since Tues been feeling awful. Flu like thing ache all over, skin/joints hurt, cough from hell, sweats.


I called the Dr they said plenty of viruses going about so stay in bed and dose up on paracetamol etc? I can hardly move. My hens are fed up as have not been out.


Anyone else got this?



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We've had something similar sarah - vile headaches, sweats and exhaustion :roll:


Seems there are a lot of viruses going around at the moment.


I didn't mention the headache and the fact I put my dressing gown in the wash and had to lay down :oops: I hope it goes for us all soon? OH called from work today and he is not well now either - poor hens at least they have pellets and water and I did chuck some melon in the run today.

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