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My New Ex-batts - with pics

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We got 3 new ex-batts today (woo hoo). We weren't supposed to get ours until May, but the BHWT got a few extra from the farmer this morning, so I got a call and went to collect them.


They are bigger and in better condition than I expected and seem quite happy in their eglu run. We plan to build a bigger run for them at some point soon (just as soon as OH finishes building the shed!) so they should be very happy ex-batts.


Pics will be uploaded shortly!

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Well so far we've had three eggs off them and tonight they took themselves off to bed with no prompting from us - what clever chickens! I'm having big problems telling them apart though.


We picked them up for a cuddle tonight before we shut the eglu up for the night (want to make sure they get used to being handled) and it really made me realise how threadbare they are. I've ordered some poultry spice from Omlet as it says it helps them through a moult - I'm hoping it will help them grow new feather.


They seem to love stretching their wings and enjoying the fact that they have the space to move them properly. It's great to watch them scratch around and they seem to have taken well to the pellets (we've mixed it in with the mash to get them used to it)


We're waiting until the weekend before we let them free range (closely supervised of course) I can't wait to see them wander around the garden!


I'm so glad we got them.

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The first night we had to pick them up and put them in the eglu, the next night we had to encourage them in slightly and last night they'd wandered in all by themselves. This morning when I opened the door they rushed out (whereas before they needed some encouraging).


They really are so funny, and so different from the omlet girls we had.


Ziggy so glad to hear yours are doing well too.

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