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decided to clear a patch of garden this afternoon resulting in the inevitable earthworm! Threw it to the girls in their pen - well I didn't know they liked them THAT much. Katie ran around the pen with a huge fat specimen trying desparately to find a corner away from Charlotte and Henrietta without any success. I think they shared it in the end :D

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Hmmmmm we never realised we had sooo many slow worms, until our chooks keeps finding them - everyday so far - not unless its the same one - poor soul - it must be fed up with its lot if it is, as always a chase & then a tug of war ensue usually between 6 chooks against hubby as sure enough one drops it and anothers sprinting off wth it YUK !! I tend to just shriek " OOOOH NO, SLOW WORM... EEeek" which one mention of slow worm & hubby sprints immediately in the right direction :vom:


Neither of us have given them worms yet, just can't bring ourselves to feed the poor unsuspecting worm to those 6 gannets that would just devour it in a nano second .. we're pathetic i know !!!!

But grapes. .well i've never seen anything or anyone love anything quite so much - its bedlam when i have grapes, they all become jumpers too... quite unexpectedly!!


They did love the lawns after they'd been cut & after the scarifier they foraged the entire lawn non stop!!!!


They NEVER stop eating!!



Ms Tilysarealtruewimpcan'tevenwatchtheslowwormsbeingcarriedorpulledaboutletalonethelittleearthworms :vom:

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