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Mrs Frugal

Homemade Pasta

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This is the pasta recipe I always use with my pasta machine and it never fails.


8oz pasta flour (00 grade - I love Doves Farm!)

2 eggs


I make mine in a big bowl - far less messy than on a table or pastry board. Sift the flour into the bowl and make a well in the centre. Break in the two eggs and using your fingers, gradually form into a soft dough. Knead the dough in the bowl for 5 minutes until smooth and elastic then wrap in clingfilm or a plastic bag and leave for 15 minutes. If you have a pasta machine, cut the dough into four pieces and process through the rollers until it's reached the desired thickness then use the cutter attachment or use as lasagne sheets. If used fresh, the pasta takes around 3-4 minutes to cook in boiling salted water.



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Kate, where do you get the pasta flour from?


DS wanted to make pasta today, after watching HFW. So we went out and bought a machine but then spent the next hour traipsing around trying to find the right flour, but couldn't. (Sainsbury, H+B, Julian Graves, Waitrose)


Now we're totally exhausted and disappointed. :( Goodness Direct sells the flour but the postage is £6 :shock: making this a silly purchase. I thought I'd ask you first!



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Hi Ginette - I've seen it in Tesco and also in wholefood shops.


I've made it in the past with ordinary plain flour with good results and now have to use Spelt flour as both Lauren and i have a wheat intolerance but can tolerate Spelt, it makes good pasta as well.

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Lesley and Kate - THANK YOU!! :D


The recipe I have says plain flour would be fine but I thought I had read on here that 'proper' flour is better and I didn't want a bad result first time around! (I think my memory was wrong, but there you go. I got plenty of exercise instead!) I was too exhausted to try Tesco as well. I'll have to go tomorrow. :evil: And if I can't fins any, at least I know spelt will be OK.


Second question: the recipe says to use semolina flour to stop the dough sticking. Again, I couldn't get that! :evil: Is ordinary flour all right for that too? or I have some maize meal?


(Another story: the day I wanted to make tortillas and couldn't find any maize meal so used cornflour instead. :lol::lol: I gave up when my wooden spoon broke in two :lol::lol: )

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