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Martin B

SuperMarket Softie

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I have just been to make a boiled egg for breakfast and went to pick an egg from thenffree-range eggs we got from somerfield and I picked up the biggest one. It felt quite strange and on closer inspection the whole of the back had a thin shell, you could even see th yolk. I immediate binned it. has anybody else had anything like this happen to them before. I was just thinking aswell, should I have complained and took the eggs back?


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You'll get stranger eggs than that when you get your own chooks Martin. We are so used to the supermarkets suppliers weeding out those that are less than perfect that we tend to forget they are a natural product prone to differences.


You should see the shapes my girls produce on occasion not to mention the lovely relief patterns and speckles we get 8)

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We had one like that yesterday Martin.


Thelma was far too busy scratching about for grubs in the garden to lay an egg, so of course she got a bit clogged up. :roll:


We then had two eggs from her in one day, one was just ever so slighty soft to the touch in places.


We cracked it open and it was fine.


If if has been a completely soft shell, I wouldn't have thrown it away.

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You should see the eggs I get, Martin. I buy "Baking eggs" or what I always call a "tray of dodgy ones" from my local farmer for half the price of the usual eggs he sells. The ones I get have k"Ooops, word censored!"bly shells or very thin ones. They can be odd shapes too - torpedo shaped or with bulging ends! The point is they all taste superb and just because they're a bit ugly, doesn't mean they aren't good enough to use. As I've only got one hen out of three laying, I need to buy eggs :( .

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I wonder how many rejects there are?


If you have not kept hens you take it for granted that all the eggs look pretty much the same, just the size that you choose.


What do they do with all the odd shaped ones? I can't say of all my days of buying eggs before my girls I ever saw a wonky shaped egg.

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My dad used to occasionally go to the chicken factory to fix their computers (way back in the 70's), and depending what manager was working at the time, he would come away with a pile of double yolkers, because they couldn't sell them. :?:?:?


Wonder what happens to them nowadays, as you never see a double yolker in your box of 6.

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I would like to know how Tesco can mark some of their eggs as "Finest" - I mean,whats the difference?


Maybe they are all really perfect,the same colour & the same size......but does this make them any better than the odd ones that my hens sometimes lay?


Obviously "Finest" eggs are not battery eggs like the value ones,but surely MY lovely eggs are finer than any supermarket ones

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