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Martin B

1 egg already.

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8) Yum, yum!

About the nestbox, remember they will just lay when ready, whether you put anything in or not.

My original pair just threw out any material so I left the nest box bare. It was fine, but, some months & more chooks later, I found it became too messy.

So, I just pop in a handful of sawdust once or twice a week. Makes cleaning easy, and soft for eggs being laid. Perhaps you have some anyway? Paper shred sounds good, but mine just throw it out.

The eggs are great aren't they, but don't expect them every day. I had mine 11 weeks before having any eggs!

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Martin, I have been away since thurs so only just caught up on your thread. GREAT NEWS and I want to add my congratulations. You are very deserving of your new chooks after having waited so patiently. You will make a great 'chook daddy'. I'm sure they will have the best care and attention in the world. :D


Love the photos, keep them coming...

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Well Lesley and Carly have just experienced their first free-ranging session. I stood out in the rain with them for about an hour. It was so fasinating. They loved scratching about in the soil and eating the plants ( :roll: ), and they also managed to find many worms and creepy-crawlies.

They got wet and so did I, but they were not pleased to go back into the normal run! They enjoyed it so much that I had to chase Carly (the troublemaker) round the garden several times until she saw Lesley on the nesting box ( :lol: ) and darting inside aswell.


Here are some of the pictures I took


Lesley's first steps outside of the run!



Looking for worms.



2 best friends.


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That's great news, Martin. You are lucky!

Henna went in the nesting box this morning and I was waiting for our 4th egg but she came out again with nothing left behind so perhaps she's having a day off - if it IS her who has laid the first 3. How can you tell which one is laying without standing in the rain getting cold to see what each is doing?

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Carly is the nosiest and most robust however she is the one who prefers to be picked up, Lesley is a bit less confident. Carly is certainly a trouble maker she pecked my dog and made her cry, pecked me and left a massive scratch. At least she redeemed herself with the biggest egg yet! :lol: (60g)

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