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Martin B

Weekend Away

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Well, I'm going away for the weekend to Bath and it's my first time without the chooks sine they arrived. My grandad is coming over to open and close the eglu door at morning and night. Unfortunately my Grandad would be unable to access the eggport. Does it matter if I don't collect any eggs until we return on Sunday, or will they go broody or something? Very worried about that possibility.


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Umm, Mel I sincerely hope that the correct answer to that is "yes" because I've done it and not suffered any ill-effects. I might have second thouhts though if the weather was very hot, and the eglu in full sun, but right now that's not terribly likely :roll:

Martin, don't worry, the chooks will be fine. Have a great weekend away. Is this 1/2 term for you as well? My children both broke up today for a week, and are quite relieved to have a break after a busy term with SATs & end of term exams etc.You must feel just the same having done SATS too.

Enjoy your break, and we'll see you when you get back :D

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Well it was my grandma and grandads wedding anniversary when I went away to Germany and my parents and brother were all in paris. I think it was 25 years or something and there was a massive family gathering and a big dinner etc. and we felt a bit bad about not going. So we are now taking them away for a treat! :P

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Hope you have a wonderful time in Bath Martin


It is one of my favourite places and Joe went to the university there to study Pharmacy - one day we'll be able to afford a nice big place there but no time soon!


Check out Royal Crescent, Victoria Park, The Circus, Pultney Bridge and the shops attached!, the river down to the cricket ground, the Empire Hotel for a bit of Architechture, The Abbey, Take the family to tea at the Pump Rooms and ENJOY IT, it's a beautiful city!


And wave at us as you pass Jct 12 of the M5- we're a few minutes away!



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