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Microwave meals-We have no cooker!

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Our Aga stopped giving out heat on Friday so we cannot use to cook on and we do not have any other cooker apart from a microwave.


So i was wondering if anyone had any meals (not bought ready meals) that we could cook in our microwave. I had rice yesterday and a jacket potato for tea today and im struggling to think of other things that can be cooked in a microwave.


Unfortunatly the aga man is not coming until Tues so will need meals for sun/mon and most probably tues because even if he does fix it there won't be enough heat in it to make a meal.


Thank You



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Hi Emma


I don't use my microwave very often, but I like to cook fish with it. I love skate and salmon. Place the fish on a plate and squezze lemon juice over the top, sometimes I add a table spoon of water too. Cover with clingflim and stab it a few times with a fork to let out steam. It takes only mins to cook.


Don't forget that scrambled eggs are brill...done in microwave. :D


Hope this helps

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You can cook almost anything in a microwave. To save energy, I use mine to cook small joints of meat. You could cook a piece of pork or gammon in a covered dish: approx 15 min depending on size at 70 %, turn and repeat, let rest and cut into middle to see if longer cooking is needed.


Peel some sweet potatotes and cut into chunks, put into dish with small amount of water, cover and zap for a couple of minutes, stir, and repeat until soft. Mash with lots of butter.


Cook sliced cabbage similarly and serve sliced pork or gammon, warm sweet potatoes and cabbage with cold apple or cranberry sauce.


You could do the same with beef, new potatoes and asparagus.


As they say, microwaves vary so this is only a general guide.


For brekkie, you can also do scrambled eggs in the microwave. To cook bacon, place rashers on a place with a sheet of kitchen roll underneath and one on top. Thin rashers of streaky work best.


I think the things to avoid are round things (peas?) which, since they cook from the inside out, could build up steam and explode! :shock:

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