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Ms Tilytinkle

slightly protruded, droopy wing

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Goood Morning,

Just let the girlies out to free range & i've noticed that one of Pandora's wings and one of Ethel's wings is slightly protruding, as opposed to lying flush in the beautiful perfectly created way they usually do, oh & and a bit lower than usual.

They weren't like that yesterday. They don't look in any pain & have stretched and opened their feathers . .all seems normal except they don't look quiet the same .. both on their right side.


Please any advice, suggestions or similarities experienced would be much appreciated.

I am unsure what to do - whether both will return to normal or if there is something underneath which has lost its strength to support.


Ms Tillyworrieswaaaytoomuchaboutherchooks:)

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It maybe that they're warm. They tend to hold their wings away from their bodies if they're trying to cool down. One of my girls does this one wing at a time, for some unknown reason.

If they seem well and are acting normally I don't think I'd worry. Just keep an eye on them for now.

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Thank you for your kind replies.

I am still concerned, the wings are still droopy & look displaced, both on their right side

i am now wondering if a rather full crop would assist to the bulge as they both actually have a large crop, which means it hadnt digested overnight!!


Any ideas anyone if a large crop could cause a wing to look displaced.

Will read up on impacted crops so i know what to do if thats what the problem is.



Many Thanks


Ms Tillyschooksareenjoyingthesunsetroostingontheirbranchperchesintherun :)

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I think they are just hot Mrs Tily.... Chickens don't sweat, but they do pant and lift their wings to let more air circulate. The best thing you can do is make sure they have plenty of shade (mine have a parasol as well as the summer shade in the run) and access to water as well. I hope they are okay.

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Yes a few of the others do that , as if to cool off but this is totally different, almost looking displaced.

But she stretches & seems perfectly happy, she chases flies, runs for treats.. all things normal except the way she looks!!! The other ones wing has almost returned to normal So will just wait & see. Its almost, if she had a shoulder, that her shoulder is out a little.


Thank you for all assistance

Ms Tillysnewchooksalayingunderanyhedgeinanyonesgarden grrrrrrr

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