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Run Extender Question

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Hi, just wondered if its worth getting the run extention before getting chickens, hubby thinks we should wait to see if we really need it but I wanted to give the chickens as much room to run round while we are at work, whats everyones opinions?


Thanks Kay

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I would get one. :D


The received wisdom is one metre length of run per chicken.


If they are free ranging most of the day, you could possibly get away with less, but if you are working etc they are likely to be in the run most of the day, so the extra space is beneficial.

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ok now I am confused so I need the extention run but (which is what I saw on the online shop) but what is the converter?


Chooks - we are getting separately, we originally were going to have them from omlet but we wouldn't be able to get them till the end of Sept and I can't wait that long! I'm struggling to wait till 15th August!! Got a list of chicken suppliers that people on here have recommended and Omlet have suggested some places too.

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If you are getting a standard eglu you need a converter first....the converter will extend the run by 1 metre and also corrects the angle at the top so it goes into a level tunnel. If you wish to have it even longer you then need to buy extentions which are also 1 metre each. So if you only wish to extend the standard run by 1 metre you just need to buy a converter which will do this :D

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I've just ordered a converter to give my 3 some extra space. I think they are ok without at the moment as they free range for about 5 hours a day. I'm thinking ahead though because they wont have much time out in winter with less daylight or if I'm away for a weekend or late home from work etc. I'm looking forward to seeing mine have a bit of extra space.


I have also put a couple of perches across the run (just above chicken head hight!) There is usually one of them sat up there at any time, giving the other two more space at ground level!

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I bought the standard run for my 4 chooks as they free range loads.


But after just 2 weeks I decided on a converter to add 1m extra. It makes a huge difference and if you can afford it I would get one. I had to pay delivery charge but wished I just got it 2 wks earlier with eglu.


The converter is the first "extention" you buy for an eglu run (and then you buy extentions after that). I just bought the converter alone.

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I'd get the converter when you get the eglu. We have three chickens in a run + converter and they would certainly be too cramped in just the run on the days we're out and they can't free-range. They were fine in ours for a whole week when we went away though. It's worth the extra money to know your chickens are happy!

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