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Guess Who I Am?

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I belong to Jue's next door neighbour Graham, and I live in a nice pond in his garden. On Saturday Jue's small (but perfectly formed) tabby cat Alfie, who I now know quite well, decided that I needed rehoming!!!!!! She plucked me from the pool and ran, jumping over a 6ft fence with me in her mouth (which was quite scary), then she gently placed me for a short while on the Pergola with her paw on me so I couldn't hurt myself by thrashing around, and waited for Jue to come out of the house so she could give me to her as a birthday present.


When Jue spotted a tiny bit of my orange tail poking out from under her paw, Alfie got a proper telling off, and ran away before she got a thick ear. Jue bought out some kitchen paper to wrap me in, so she could bury me, but I thought I had better let her know that I was still alive, so I just flicked my tail a little bit. Jue gently picked me up and put me in a jug in the kitchen while she searched frantically for something to put me in. She found a nice bowl (though a bit smaller than I'm used to), and gave me some horrid tasting medicine to repair my missing scales and the cut under my eye!!! It's not very nice and it stings a bit, but I think I am starting to get better now. She has also given me some food and put a funny tube in with me which lets out loads of bubbles. When I didn't feel very well yesterday it sent me spinning round in circles. Jue thought I was dying so I thought I had better try to regain my composure. I'm feeling a lot better today and hopefully I will be able to go home again very soon, although she has been lovely and looked after me very well.


My owner, Graham, was ok and wasn't cross with Alfie for kidnapping me, although he has now said he doesn't know where my brother and sister have gone!! I don't think Jue managed to find those presents, so I'll probably have the pool all to myself when I eventually go home!!


Love from Fortunate Frank :o) xx



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My ED's friend has 2 cats and no fish any more since they arrived :D


We have 2 cats and about 14 fish which all dispappeared about 6 weeks ago and we suspected cats or herons but then they mysteriously came back :?


Our pond is edged with big rocks and there is a drop of 6-8 inches down to the water level. The cats walk around the edge and try to reach down but can't quite. one day they will fall in :lol:

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My ED's friend has 2 cats and no fish any more since they arrived :D


We have 2 cats and about 14 fish which all dispappeared about 6 weeks ago and we suspected cats or herons but then they mysteriously came back :?


Our pond is edged with big rocks and there is a drop of 6-8 inches down to the water level. The cats walk around the edge and try to reach down but can't quite. one day they will fall in :lol:


That's weird that they have all come back. They must have been hiding under the rocks somewhere. Next door used to have a mesh cover on his pool, but for some reason he's taken it off and the cats are there all the time, waiting for an opportune moment. Alfie is quite an accomplished fishercat now :lol: it's not normally the fish she brings back, but we've had soooooo many frogs that she brings home and leaves for me or Ashley to take down to the brook out of her way.


I'd laugh my socks off if they did fall in. Probably still wouldn't learn from it though :lol:

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:lol: :lol: I bet you won't see it if they do fall in :lol: You've never got a video camera handy when you need one either!! I was very tempted for a while to put a remote web cam on one of mine, then thought better of it. If something horrible happened to one of them I wouldn't want to see that, though it would be very amusing to see what they do get up to in the course of a day.


You are probably right about the fish spawning. I can't think of any other reason for them to be completely out of sight for so long. Fingers crossed you do have some babies :lol: We've got an aquarium, and as much as I'd love a pond I'd be too worried about the cats oiking them out every 5 mins. :roll:

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Years ago my cat bought in several of my neighbours fish, one day, tired of forever picking up mangled goldfish I thought, "Oh, I'll get that one in a minute" about 10 minutes later I picked it up and threw it down the loo ready to flush it to the great goldfish bowl in the sky and it started swimming!! :shock: Luckily there was nothing but water in it as I had to stick my hand down the loo, pick it out, put it in a saucepan and take it back, minus most of its tail :oops:


Luckily I had understanding neighbours.

Frank looks quite happy in his jug!


Mrs B

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It sounds as though Frank has had a very lucky escape, bless him.


Give him my best wishes for a speedy recovery.


Is your next-door-neighbour going to be netting his pond from now on? :shock:


Frank said thanks very much for all your kind thoughts :lol:


I'm sincerely hoping that next door will put some mesh on there :roll: don't want Frank coming to a sticky end after we've nurtured him back to health.

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