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Mrs Frugal

Allotment break in!

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His shed is very old and rickety as he's been working his allotment there for what must be 30 years now but he lives too far away to have to bring his tools in every day and doesn't drive either so can only carry what will fit on his push bike. His allotment is also right at the bottom in the corner of the plot so thieves can't be seen easily and can just hop over the waist high metal railings onto the water meadows behind to make their escape. We've just bought a new metal shed for our stuff as we thought that would be more secure and hopefully once he sees that when it's all constructed, he'll decide to save up and get one himself as it's less likely to get broken into (we hope!). I don't know how many other allotmenteers sheds were broken into by the same thugs as we've not seen anyone to talk to but you could see that they'd walked across the allotments against the hedge so no one would see them :roll: . If only the council would come and put up higher fences around the whole plot and put in a decent gate, accessible for keyholders, things would be a lot better - but they don't :evil: .

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It's such a shame some people want to spoil things for other people. It happens all over the country, our one was OK with regard to break-ins while we had the plot although it had happened in the past. But someone often sneaked in at night and pinched our plot neighbour's raspberries and other people lost carrots, spuds, squashes - you name it, the veg disappeared. But they only took a little at a time except for the soft fruit. Jam making?

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I do not think we have had one season without an allotment break in - 3 in one season was the worst - all tools taken one time, a brand new wheelbarrow another time. Smashed glass, broken locks, door off hinges. The police did actually catch someone last season and nothing since then - however it is the races (gold cup) next week and we seem to get someone's shed burnt down every year.



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I do not think we have had one season without an allotment break in - 3 in one season was the worst - all tools taken one time, a brand new wheelbarrow another time. Smashed glass, broken locks, door off hinges. The police did actually catch someone last season and nothing since then - however it is the races (gold cup) next week and we seem to get someone's shed burnt down every year.




That's just awful :(:( . It takes such a long time to restock all the equipment and sort out repairs. I hope that the spate of break-ins has stopped now.


Koojie, the fruit/veg stealing is so mean, isn't it, after all the hard work put into growing them :evil: .

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