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Willow isn't well

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I hope that someone can reassure me here. Willow was fine yesterday, but this morning isn't right at all. She is mostly staying in the eglu and when she does venture out she just stands there, eyes closed and looking very sad. Pepper and Amber have already layed this morning and I just heard another of those big 'egg announcement' noises! There was only Willow in the eglu, but there is no egg.


I am thinking that she could be struggling to lay a softie which would explain why she feels so bad. Has anyone else experienced all the noise of an egg being layed without an actual egg, before a softie has been layed???


Any other advise or suggestions would be very welcome. She is still sat in the eglu perched on the edge of the next box, beak open looking very unhappy. It's really sad to see her feeling so unwell :(

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Joy always looked at death's door when she had a softie on the way and there's not much you can do except let them get on with it.


A note of hope though, having laid nothing but softies for a couple of weeks and then nothing at all, Joy then started to lay normally again. No reason, just did.


Fingers crossed for Willow.

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Thanks dancing cloud. She has decided to spend the day with me in my garden shed. She's sat on my fleece listening to radio 4 at the moment :? It's quite good really because I've given her some food and water in here and can make sure she is drinking etc. Still not looking well though, looked like she was being sick earlier - some slimey gooey stuff, so there might be something else wrong with her :(

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are you sure she laid all her softie complete? had one that got egg stuck & got infction, needed vet quick!

Also watch one lay softie complete, but I got there & no yolk... The yolk followed by next morning, kept a real good eye on her & she was fine by then. Don't like the sound of sick though..... :cry:

I would be ready for trip to vet, hope some one more exp comes aalong soon! keep us posted.

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Hello, some good news about Willow :D She looked awful this morning and I went to work feeling quite upset as I wouldn't be here to look after her today. :( Just got home and Willow is completely fine, bouncing about the run as if there was never anything wrong. :D:D No softie to be seen - it's all a mystery, but I'm just really pleased she is better.


Thank you everyone for your replies. No one else understands the upset of a sick chicken like Omleters do! :D

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