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The Dogmother

I got worms!

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This is going to sound so pathetic. I have a bit of a problem with worms (no I don't have them, sillys, I just really don't like them!).

Do you actually see them in this device? I would love to have one, but couldn't cope if they were wriggling everywhere every time I took the lid off to put my stuff in it. :oops:

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Yes you do see them Annie when you peel the mat back to feed them but once they see the day light they all dive for cover, they are not too bad but I don't mind worms..................Give it a go they are lovely really and you don't have to touch them............ :lol::lol::lol:

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I've had my can of worms for a month now and they're fed pretty regularly all the cooked left overs apart from meat that we have every day. I've not had any liquid feed come out of the tap yet but it's early days still so soon, I hope. There are hundreds of fruit flies in there - pesky things but the worms seem to be OK, if a little dry at times so I give them a little drink when the top looks a bit parched.


I've got a kitchen composter too which takes meat and bones and that produces LOTS of liquid feed but boy, does it pong!! I must empty it - good reminder Dan :wink: . Only problem with it is that you have to shut it up for a fortnight when it's full to let the Bokashi do its magic so I'm having to put my meat and bones in the bin at the moment until my second composter arrives.

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Thanks, all, for reminding me that I needed to check on my Can'o'Worms - I've been so eggcited about my eglu and chickens that I've neglected the worms :( Just drained off a watering-can full of liquid and fed it to the tomatoes and courgettes :)


The first year I had my Can'o'Worms, I kept it on the patio, but it got too hot and dry and was taken over by ants :(:evil: This year I have it in a shady border (with a fresh batch of worms), and the little fellas are thriving :D

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Dan, you can also feed Bokashi to the chooks - they love it and it makes their poo a bit less pongy :?


our can o worms is on a slightly uneven surface, so I tipped it today and got a good amount, say about 100ml of poo juice out of the tap (which I leave on) into the little bucket underneath. A couple of dead worms also came out :?


Mine is by the back door - it's relatively shaded, but it still gets hot. I leave to lid off for a bit in the evening when the chooks are in the run sothat it cools down.


I have had mine for the same amount of time as kate - we are onto the 2nd layer now. I had to move some of the worms and their bedding up as they didn't seem to be coming to eat the food. I notice that they seem to go to the bottom in the day and tothe top at night - probably due to the temperature.

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Can anyone tell me how high and wide the Can O Worms is please, I have looked on the website but they don't give this info. They do a similar product called Worm Factory which is rectangular and may be more suitable to the space I have (dimensions are given for this). Although they state there are slight differences between the two products, they are the same price.



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Mmm, I'm not at home at the moment, so can only give you a rough idea, but the diameter is about the same as a black plastic dustbin and it is about 2.5 feet high when all the layers are on.


I am sure that WW will tell you the exact measurements if you give them a ring or email them - they are really helpful.


I'm not far from Birmingham, if you're coming down this way, let me know and you can pop in to see mine.

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Has anyone else found that their rain cover isn't waterproof?


Since managing to leave it off in a couple of downpours :oops: I have just left the darned thing on all the time. Only to find that after saturday's deluge the worms were all wet again :roll: Some of them had (yet again)been flushed through into the sump and hadn't managed to climb back out, so were dead :( I have moved all the worms, dead or alive, back into the top layer and left the tap open again. The top of the wormery is now covered with an old dustbin lid.

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Just to mention that I have decided that worms are not for me & am looking into a less wriggly composting metheod.

So, if anyone who is reading this thread is interested in buying my kit from me (you will need worms etc from wriggly wrigglers),drop me a pm.

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I was getting worried about mine too Clare i have had lots of worms in the sump and dead ones, I have had to move them up by hand and check every day that they were OK I thought i was doing something wrong, but over the last couple of days they seem fine. Emily checked them yesterday and said they were Ok but there was a funny noise coming from the wormery so I went out to see, the noise was the sound of worms munching, so I presume all is well. I think I was just rushing things at first and over feeding them I had to remove so food that had gone smelly and mouldy................. :lol:

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I'm glad I'm not the only one with worms in the sump. It really stinks when they die in there :shock:


I scoop mine up and recycle them by putting them back in the top, live and dead.


I think they've only been washed down there by the rain rather than falling through the holes, but I will keep an eye on them now that they have a dustbin lid for a hat.

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