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Onions and Garlic, what and where to buy?

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I always plant mine in Autumn - garlic particularly as it needs the long growing season in this country if you want the bulbs to be a decent size.


I haven't checked out the catalogues lately to see if there are any offers. Garden Centres often do them these days and at least you can see the condition of the sets/bulbs that way?

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Overwintering onions are good for an early crop, but do not store as well as the summer ones. We grow both and use over winter onions first when fresh and keep the summer ones for use over the winter.


Garlic we get from the Isle of Wight Garlic Farm - good quality, with garlic it can be reused so you should only need to buy it in the first year and then you save some of your own each year to break into cloves and replant - apparently over time it adapts to your soil, etc so this is better than buyig in each year. Overwinter garlic is good if you get a good hard frost, if we have a wet warm winter it can turn to mush. Some varieties are best planted in spring. Like our onion we grow some of both.



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was it proper 'certified' garlic chickencam or supermarket garlic?


sometimes, if the garlic has been in coldstorage (ie for consumption rather than for growing on) it can send out shoots before roots and so cannot sustain growth beyond an initial spurt.

It might grow away strongly now, maybe tease one out to look and see if it has a strong root system?

Either way, to be sure of a good crop, I'd consider investing in some from a reputable dealer such as I.O.W garlic (as mentioned above)

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I've just brought 80-90 onion sets and 3 garlic from ebay (1 auction lot together). They are due for delivery in about a week and will plant out in October. There are alot of difference in prices on there and I'm not sure if I got a good deal or not but I paid £4.50 then £2.60 for delivery but I am splitting that with my Mum.

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I just phoned the garlic farm with an enquiry and accidently ordered the mini garlic lover's collection and 12 cloves of Elephant Garlic. Oops!


There is an offer on the elephant garlic 12 for £6.

The mini garlic lover's collection was £9 for 4 bulbs, but I paid P&P on top (£4.75)


Apparently there is a promotional code in some magazines (I don't know which ones but I'm sure someone will!) Which makes the garlic lover's planting collection £18 including postage. For that you get 9 bulbs (8 different varieties) plus 2 cloves of elephant garlic. It could be a good offer for some of you that live closer together and could share. You could always order some extra Elephant garlic and share that out too.


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When I used the GYO code it was only for the Garlic lovers Pack. I have just gone on the website and at the moment it seems there is no delivery charge for any garlic at the moment. Don't know if there is still problems once you get to payment, but there is a phone number, just call your order through! :)

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I have ordered the mini garlic lovers pack,plus the Elephant garlic too 8)

Garlic & onions grow really well in my soil, so I am looking forward to these arriving & getting them in.


Not really sure about the Elephant garlic to be honest,but it has a cool name so I ordered it anyhow.


As it was an offer pack,if anyone wants to go halfs on it with me (just the Elephant garlic), drop me a pm :P

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Yes, they are part of the allium family. Producing purple flowering heads 4-5' tall (120 - 150cm) but to gain the largest Elephant Garlic bulb snip off the flowering head when it emerges.


Allium bulbs producing flowers of that type were £10 for 3 at a recent show I went to!


Lesley, did you get sorted? I placed my order over the phone.


edited for grammatical error :oops:

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Have you ever read his book 'Toast' Lesley?

Its fab -- a real foodie blast from the past :P


No, we've got 'Appetite' - I'll have to look for 'Toast'


Lesley, did you get sorted? I placed my order over the phone.



I forgot to phone my order through - I'll have to ahve what's left soon :roll:

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