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help with floor covering

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Think I have read every post going but still am very confused.


I have made a large rectangle frame for my eglu and run. The frame is about 13 cm high, 6m long and 3m wide and it sits between 2 brick garages on a concrete base.


My question is what do I fill it with? Have read that bark is no good because of spores etc. Hemcore and aubiose needs to be waterproof and of course only the run will be covered with waterproof sheeting.


Should I use bark/Wood chippings on the outside of the run ie in between the frame and run and something else in the run?


or do I use the same of one product?


Can somebody be so kind to advise which is the best product to use or the cons and pros of the recommend items..


wood chippings






Have spent hrs trawling the internet and am not any wiser!


Thanks and Cheers


Kit who is anxious that she gives the hens the best she can :anxious:

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Kit I only use Auboise in the eglu run (covered with a shower curtain) so I can't advise on the others as I've not used them. Auboise is super absorbant and I am a big fan of it.


I couldn't quite picture your set up from the description.


Have you got a photo to post then it will give us more of an idea of the area you are trying to cover???


Edit to say:

Just spotted stevie's comments at the end of this post.


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Same here. :D


If I were you I think I'ds use Aubiose in the run and wood chip outside.


Aubiose is so absorbent that one shower of rain would have it waterlogged, but is superb in a covered run.


Mine just scratch around in the earth outside the run. I freshen it up with garden lime every so often.

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we had our eglu run on the grass, but as it had been wet when we put it down, the grass quickly went....so my husband, extremely kindly made a permanent base using gravel board (wood to you and me) filling it all with four bags of forrest bark from the garden centre... It seems fine, the chooks have dug it up all over, so it needs raking a bit...but even with the awful rain it isnt wet and slimey...


Forrest Bark stuff was from B&Q 4 for £10


i will re-do it after about a month I think, and replace with fresh....hopefully it wont need the four bags again....it smells great, and the chooks are happy....


they arent free ranging much yet, but they will be...but I much prefer this base, than just grass....


we had intended to just move it about the garden to refresh the grass, but as its so wet....and the grass was cut a bit short...I really wanted something more permanent...


the chickens just dig up parts, then dust bathe...


we've had ours down since Sunday...(its now Tuesday)...and its rained for days..


hope this helps..


I liked the idea of Hemcore, Amboise..etc, but realised that as our eglu and run is pretty much uncovered we wouldnt be able to have it....Best of luck.....


I looked in the gallery to show my husband the kind of thing i wanted...boards around the run, and bark inside...he was a STAR !! :angel:

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Aubiose is so absorbent that one shower of rain would have it waterlogged, but is superb in a covered run.


When you say a covered run, do you just mean a top cover? We have just built a walk in run about 4 metres by 4 metres and have covered sides with chicken wire and plan to put either hard plastic sheeting or a clear tarpaulin on the top.


Will this be enough to keep the auboise/hemcore dry? :anxious:

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I did have them on grass but they quickly went through that so decided to try B&Q wood chips (not the bark as they have spores in them and also they get very soggy)


The wood chips are great, I usually change mine about once a month and rake though it every couple of days (one bag does 2 months at just under £5) and they love pecking about in it and kicking it aside to have a dust bath. I let them out when I'm around so they can freerange on the lawn but when they get spooked, they go running back to their eglu. :D


P.S. Where do people buy their lime from as want to buy some for my run?

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I've always used Hemcore in a covered run which is great. Will be switching to Aubiose as my stockist is no longer supplying Hemcore.


Welcome to the forum, Darthwenger :) . You'll get garden lime from any garden centre (it must be garden lime not builders).





whats that used for....


v usefull topic for me, can i put auboise straightg onto soil or will it all fowl

(sorry!!) up...??

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whats that used for....


v usefull topic for me, can i put auboise straight onto soil or will it all fowl

(sorry!!) up...??




I know, every time you log on, you find another must have for your little darlings :roll::lol: .


Garden lime neutralises the acidity of the soil (chicken poo is acidic) and helps to stop pongs and pests :) . It's safe to put the hens back into the run straight away. I just sprinkle it down (along with Stalosan F (see, there's another one :wink: ) every 6 weeks when I clean out the run.


And, yes, you can put the bedding straight onto the soil! They'll dig it into the soil over a few weeks but you can keep topping it up if you want to. Just make sure you keep the run covered or it'll go soggy and muddy.

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