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eglu door not tight fit?

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I received my eglu today which I am generally very pleased with. I have had a cube for a while on which the egg port door fits snuggly.


The eggport door on the new eglu wobbles about a bit - just doesn't seem to be such a good fit as the cube one.


Does anyone else have any issues with their door?


Anyone owning both have the same thing?



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When I had my eglu the door fit was good, & I had no problems with rain getting in. There was a little bit of movement if I jiggled the door, but not too much.


My cube eggport door leaked intermittantly, & Omlet have sent me 2 new doors & 2 new sides in order to get things right, but the problem is fixed now.


Contact Omlet with your concerns if you are worried. They won't be able to do anything about it if you don't let them know.

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My first green eglu has an eggport door with a looseish fit, but not enough to get your fingers between the door and the eglu. However with my second purple eglu the eggport door was very loose. So loose that i could get my hands between the door and eglu. Definately wouldn't have been fox proof. One day it actually came off!! :shock:

I rang Omlet and a replacement door was sent out which has resolved the problem. :D


It is a loose fit but if you can get fingers behind it then i would ring Omlet.

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That is helpful - thank you.


I can get my whole hand in actually, in fact I can with not a lot of force pull it off. Also the catch does not click. You have to guess if it is engaged.


Hopefully they will send a new door. I will call them tomorrow.


Thank you for your responses.

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