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Chooks don't roost - they snuggle in the nextbox?!

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How old are you chooks?

I know that when my girls spent their first night in the eglu my 2 week older(15 weeks tomorrow :dance:) roosted on the bars and my younger one snuggled in the nestbox, but the second night they'd snuggled together on the roost bars.


I'm not sure if it is just age or if it's one of those things...I'm not being very helpful am I ? :oops:


If it's bothering you try putting a plant pot in the nest box so they can't go in and then they'll learn to roost.


I think it's an age thing but I can't be sure, I'm sure someone who really knows will help you out.

Let me know how it goes


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I peeped in last evening to make sure they were both safely in to find that Ginger was sleeping in the nest box.

This is quite new. They both roosted in the proper place at first but since Beauty has started to lay Ginger has slept in the nest box.

Perhaps she`ll roost properly again when she starts laying herself.

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One of my girls ALWAYS sleeps roosting on the bars and the others always sleep snuggled up anywhere on the floor of their house. I always have a peep at them when I go to shut their door for the night (I kid myself I'm doing a quick head count, just to be sure they are all safely tucked in for the night - but really its coz they are cute!)

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