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age a cockeral crows

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I dont have any, but I've looked up other sites...apparently all cockerels crow (im sure there will be some exceptions as everything in life)...but they do have different levels of noise...apparently


and I found this...someone's crowing from 6 weeks of age..


" Also the cockerels crow really early (6 weeks old for my chamois!). "


hope this helps..


P.S...not sure if they sound different when chicks...someone just said they were louder than her girl chicks..



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I was enquiring with my local breeder about that when I was thinking about hatching eggs (still thinking - even more so now given that I might have two natural broody hens :roll: ). She said not to worry and that you wouldn't notice them crowing noticably until way over 16 weeks - they start off really softly.


Whether she was just trying to placate my fears but ...... Her araucanas definately weren't crowing at 8 weeks and I have been told before it can be difficult to sex araucanas until 16 weeks plus sometimes. I think on that basis you are pretty safe with loud crowing until 16 weeks or so but someone else will probably know better. It might be different for different breeds as well or personalities.

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We have quite a few cockerels and they all started fairly late and not at full volume to start with. It is usually hilarious when they first start :lol:


We had one beautiful cockerel who only ever did "cock-a-doooooooodle" :lol:


They usually give you plenty of time to rehome (or despatch for the pot :( ).

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