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survived fox attack

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Gingernut Ranger was taken by a fox I think 4 days ago but survived (so maybe a cat?). I found her in the bushes dazed and limping. There was a pile of feathers there.

She has perked up a bit and is eating and drinking OK but still limping, not moving around very much at all and mainly stays in the EGLU house. If she tries to flap only 1 wing flaps. I have examined her and no sign of blood, neither leg or wing feels broken - just a lot of feathers gone. Excrement has been runny.

Any advice as to what I should do?

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So sorry to hear about your poor hen :( . Good news that you can't find any wounds but if she's still obviously not right tomorrow, perhaps a trip to the vet might be in order :? .


I had a look for advice on treating hens after a fox attack. These might give you some tips.





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Sorry to hear about your poorly chicken.


One of my chickens was taken by a fox. Miraculously the fox must have dropped Veronica somewhere (was being chased by my dog at the time) and she found her way home 2 hours later. :shock::D


On examination I found no blood but there was loss of feathers to her rear end. Both her wings flapped so no problem there. Rescue Remedy and bathing the feather loss area with tea tree oil or salt water was recommended.


If your chicken has been bitten by either a fox or a cat then there is the possibility that she has some puncture wounds which could become infected. So if she isn't back to normal in the next few days then maybe a trip to the vets for some antibiotics might be prudent.

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thanks all for such helpful replies.

as of yesterday lisa seems to have turned the corner to recovery which is a great relief.

she is looking a lot livelier, spending time outside of the run and was straight out of the eglu this morning despite the rain.

she is still pretty ginger on that right leg (no pun intended) so we'll see how that progresses.


thanks again for the support.

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