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Project/presentation on chickens

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My little sister has to do a presentation on something and she has decided to do chickens. Just wondered if anyone had any ideas for what topics she could cover. She is in year 6 (10 years old) and no one in her class has chickens.


So far we are thinking: powerpoint in the background showing all different breeds, how to look after them-(housing, food & treats, cleaning out), eggs, a bit on battery chickens and we are hoping to take 2 of ours in(depending on if the school let us).


Thank You




Wasn't sure if this should be in Nesting Box or Chickens so mods feel free to move it.

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Liam did this just before the hols - he was at the end of Yr 4. He did it on Powerpoint and added in lots of photos of our girls and the eglu.


He mainly told it through our story of getting chickens, what they eat, housing and equipment needed etc etc and he took in some little bags of the pellets, corn, grit and handed them around and we made some little fairy cakes, using our eggs of course, and offered them around (with the teachers permission). :D


I also took Pansy and Peony in and the children loved seeing them, only a couple were a little unsure. The thing that really stunned me both this time and when Liam's brother took his teacher some eggs at Easter, was how many of the children didn't seem to know where eggs came from :roll::shock::?


Lisa P

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My brother's children are always fascinated by how different the eggs are - we usually manage a quick game of who's egg is this?, but they're getting too good at it now :D


If you could get hold of different eggs, they could try to match egg to hen.


Like the "hens are really dinosaurs" idea myself. Not sure if mine are compys or velociraptors - probably depends on whether there's grapes involved :lol:

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