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I am going to watering can the run this evening as it is so dry & dusty in there as it has a roof on :?


The hens look at me with disgruntled expressions whenever I wander down to see them ,as if the hot weather is my fault :lol:


They had the eglu door open wide last night,and the egg port door off.I bet it was cooler in there than in my bedroom 8)

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Mine seem to still be up to their usual tricks, on Saturday they didn't jump out at all, but I keep finding Starlet outside their big run most of the time! Naughty girls.


Thing is they hide when they come outside, under the bottle brush plant-It's not fun when you have to rescue them from under there though! :?

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Hmmm, are you giving your girls garlic powder in their food Martin? That helps get rid of the pong, as does using Aubiose in the run and poo tray. As you know (because you helped me do it) I sprinkle citronella and eucalyptus oils in the Aubiose too, this helps with any smell (not that there is much) and keeps the bugs away like Cinnamon said.

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True, I have loads of flies but hardly any smell at all, just where they've done a fresh poo.


I had a lovely time yesterday evening - a neighbour brought her two smallsters round to see the chooks. They had been watching about chickens on telly and wanted to see some real ones, so I made sure that there were some eggs in the nest for them to take home for supper. They are very green and have veggie/fruit boxes delivered, but have yet to go down the chicken route - my aim is to convert them! :wink:

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