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The marans have arrived!!!!

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At last I've rescued the marans! A lady I know through work wanted rid of her three marans as they didn't lay any eggs. They were kept in a tiny, tiny run were feather pecked and generally didn't look good. I felt so sorry for them back in early summer. She kept hold of them until now.


She came to see me at work today and asked when I could collect them. I went to collect them as soon as I'd arrived home from work.


So I now have three rescued marans who aren't laying. They are very skittish and clearly are not used to being handled or being in a larger space. It was a huge job just getting hold of them to spray them with Xeno 200. They haven't been wormed/sprayed since she got them over a year ago.


One is almost a brown maran, the other two black marans. One has no tail feathers at all, with bare red skin at her rear end. Another has a very daggy stragly bottom. They smell too!!!


I've put them in the purple eglu with standard run and convertor, much more space than they've had before. They went to bed ok too. Children have named them Tracey Beaky, Justine and Louise!!!!!!!!!!


I hope they'll recover quickly with some TLC.

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