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Guest Penguinmad

Look what I got at the boot sale today!

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For the princely total of £2.50 I bought a very funky chicken, 2 blue mixing bowls and the bargain on the right. I knew what it was when I saw it and the woman sold it to me for 50p even said they are about £16 in the shops. I've used it tonight and it's BRILL!




For anyone who doesn't know what it is (not many if I'm correct about how well we all know the Lakeland catalogue!) it's a bread slicer. Here it is - for just under £18! http://www.lakeland.co.uk/evenslice/F/keyword/bread+cutter/product/1951 I thought they looked handy when I saw them in Lakeland but I also thought for something thats a bit of plastic and metal they were VERY overpriced!

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ROFL - I KNEW you lot knew the Lakeland catalogue backwards!


I remembered this from the last time I was in the store - I thought "what a great idea" then I saw the price and thought "no way!". So I'm happy now!

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