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The chickens have arrived!!!!!!!

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At last, our chooks have arrived!!! They came this morning in the Omlet van.


Liberty (Gingernut Ranger) is definately the boss. Melody (Miss Pepperpot) follows Liberty around. Apparently they are already laying, but may stop for a few days until they get used to their new home.


My two children absolutly adore them. We gave the chickens some marmite on toast when the girls came home from school - they ate the lot within minutes, then started kicking their treat bowl around when they'd finished, looking for more!

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I'm trying to put some pics of our chicks here - done think I've done it right though :( I give up :wall:










They had some cooked pasta and sliced apple for a treat this afternoon. Pecked at it a bit, but not overly impressed. Think we spoilt them with the marmite on toast yesterday :roll:

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