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ANybody know why my silly laptop wont play iplayer?

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Hi. Can anybody offer any words of wisdom about my silly lap top please? It plays D.V.D.s fine; no problem. But whenever I try to watch anything from the internet eg you tube or iplayer it sticks every 2 minutes (or even less) which makes it impossible to watch. Ive got wireless broadband. I have no other problems with it. Its a shame. I would love to go to bed early and watch 2 hours of silent witness! Heres hoping! :)

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The problem more than likely lies with your broadband connection rather than your laptop.


It sounds as though your connection isn't quick enough to stream the info in time, and it stops to catch up.


Which Internet provider are you with and what speed are you supposed to be getting? It could be a router problem if you have upgraded the service on cable and have an old Terrayon modem (Virgin Media formerly NTL)


It could also be a poor signal from your wireless router. You could try connecting directly to the wireless modem with an ethernet cable to see if it is any better.


If you are connecting via a BT phoneline then you maybe just too far from the nearest exchange to receive a decent service.



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I'm having the same problem - we're with BT and we know our signal is nowhere near what it should be...........and it won't let me load the Channel4 catch up software either :?


As Sky + has packed up I'm trying to catch up with things that were on the planner - Chateau Monty :(

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Thanks very much guys. As it sounds like its the internet connection I think I'll just leave well alone. The main reason I wanted to sort is for when I want to be a slob and go to bed early and watch something on T.V., so being directly connected up to something downstairs by a wire would kind of be defeating the object. Ah well. At least I know what it is. :roll: Thanks very much guys. Omlet is a wonderful source of advice and information about all things! :D

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