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little chickadee

Lights on at night in kids bedrooms.

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My 7yr old lovely boy with High functioning autism/ Aspergers syndrome (just had the diagnosis so I'm telling everyone!) has always insisted on having a light on in his room and freaked out if he woke up in the night and it wasn't on. He got this for his birthday though and now happily goes to sleep with this on and no other light.



(I've put a link for Argos as this is the cheapest I've found it.)


It goes off after 20 minutes so doesn't use up much battery power and it has a remote control so he can put it on during the night if he wakes up.

Just thought I'd share it with you. I know it's in lots of catalogues at the moment, but it really is very lovely and I'd recommend it for any kids who like space, or who are frightened to sleep without a light on.

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Never mind the kids, as a fully paid up lunar led, barking mad loonatic I think I'll get one myself!! What a lovely idea, we have to leave a low light on in the bathroom which then diffuses through the door into the hall and casts a low light into the bedrooms for our children, I now can't sleep with the light off :roll: Whenever the children go for a sleepover somewhere OH turns all the lights off and I have to wait til he's asleep before turning the light on :oops:


Mrs B

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We've just got the light off this week because of the cosmic ceiling. Trouble is that it's pitch black in there so I then trip over toys after kissing him goodnight - there is NO light pollution from outside! I've taken to sneaking in after he's asleep to turn on the UV light which charges the ceiling! Trouble is that's borrowed and now I need to buy one!

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